Why We Need To Say “No”

Why We Need To Say “No”

Have you ever been in a situation where you were asked to do something you didn’t want to do? Yet you did it anyway? Told yourself you’d never do that again, only to find yourself spending more time satisfying the needs of others before your needs are met? Seems easier to just get it done and avoid a conflict or hurt someones feelings! Challenge is you’ve become a people pleaser, the needs or others is a priority, yours are often not addressed. Not suggesting you should be selfish and not help someone out, however there’s a fine line which must be in accordance with your own needs. We are all gifted with our own personalities, yet some lean toward an agreeable type which focuses on always being available to help and serve needs of others even before ours are a thought. An issue with this type of personality is when people know it and take advantage of you. At heart we all want to be there to lend a hand and make a difference in someones life, it’s human nature! We’re programmed that way. A felling of satisfaction when your recognized and praised by another person for helping out. We should consider a few things so we are not taken advantage of: Being to agreeable and never saying no to things you don’t have time for. One of my colleagues was asked to take on more work and more responsibility, at first there was no issue, but after a few weeks, he was overwhelmed, the company was testing him to see how he’d react when the pressure was on....
Happiness Is A Choice…Right?

Happiness Is A Choice…Right?

Happiness is a choice…Right? Although some people would disagree with that statement, most of us know the truth. Happiness is a state f mind, whether your rich or poor it doesn’t matter being happy is where your thoughts spend the most time during the day. If money is where happiness is found then most are truly missing out on the truth. It’s been said money can’t buy you happiness, however without it life would be a challenge as well as your ability to buy goods from the local merchant would be a distant memory. You don’t have to look very far these days to see what having a little money can do to a persons happiness. Famous actors, athletes, business professionals etc…etc… If you and I are going to live a life of mastery than we must first understand what it means to be truly happy and fulfilled, it is different for everyone. Second it just getting thing will never make you happy. True happiness is found when a task is completed and a feeling of accomplishment has been achieved. Happiness is defined as: Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being which can be defined by, among others, positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. Happy mental states may also reflect judgements by a person about their overall well-being. Truth is just “feeling good” is not happiness. If it were than people who use drugs or alcohol would always be happy…Right?? If you’d ask most people what makes their lives truly happy you might be surprised…A meaning full relationship or doing something that leaves...
Fear or Faith

Fear or Faith

We live in a world of challenging times never knowing what tomorrow will bring-which allows uncertainty to dominate as well as fear to become part of our everyday consciousness. Never knowing what you see or hear is real or not, whether it’s social media a speech, news or a comment from a friend. You don’t have to look very far to see or hear what’s wrong with the world today…It’s everywhere…A sense of distrust is now part of today’s society. Nevertheless living in fear is unproductive, it allows the control of emotions to be dictated by external forces beyond our control. This fear stops positive growth stalling our ability to make the changes required for future optimism-different view or a change in how a issue is dealt with. Truth is fear is worrying about how an external force can impact our life. Fear is the unknown. But rather than letting fear dominate when unfamiliar issues arise, take note and realize you have the power to control your emotions. Step out of fear and begin to life a life of abundance. There will always be issues beyond our control that show up in our lives unexpectedly, the only constant in life is change, however we can control how we respond what challenges or issues beyond our control do show up in life. When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change. A few years ago I was complaining about an issue I was having to my mentor, his answer was not at all what I was expecting, I guess I was hoping he’d agree...
How to Develop Your Inner Strength

How to Develop Your Inner Strength

In today’s world we’ve become more and more aware there’s a better way of life, could be because of people we “hang” around with or an add we’ve heard on T.V. or radio, seems every where you look these day’s were being sold on new ideals. Don’t get me wrong there is nothing bad in seeking a better way of life. Most people are successful in more than one area of life, however the key to true happiness is to have a proper balance within three key areas of life: Mind Body Soul There is a unique connection with these key elements, when working in unison we’re connecting to a infinite energy source. Yet if we fail to make the connection this energy is greatly restricted. Our “State of Mind” controls which direction we go… Have you ever noticed day’s when you seem to have more energy, or other day’s when you feel sick or tired? How we feel is a direct reflection on how balanced we are within each level. It is a true connection with who we are whether we’re in or out of alignment with mind, body and soul. When we are congruent: Little challenges seem to not matter we are happy in anything we do. We love ourselves which is always the first step if you wish to love others. We respect our health. Lastly we all must have purpose. When we’re out of alignment: We become angry without even realizing why we’re angry? We tend to be “short fused” with others We  don’t care about our health Nothing we do seems to make us...
New Year New Life

New Year New Life

As the new year begins so does a new hope for an optimistic year ahead. We think about loosing weight after eating all those tasty foods during the holidays, our sights are all set for going to the gym and getting into shape! Right? The year starts out eating the right foods and keeping an eye on the scale however by spring our new diet begins to fall apart, those healthy meals are no longer a part of our daily routine. Sound familiar? While most of have good intentions, loose weight, save money, go to the gym, buy a new house…etc…etc…Why do most new years resolutions fail? Its easy to say…I’m going to the gym three days this week or I’m going to eat healthy this year. The challenge with that is when “life happens” our desire to continue with the resolution deteriorates before long we run out of gas… We are missing an important element which is the fuel to keep us going…Why… What is important to you? Although eating a balanced diet, exercise, saving money or buying a new house is all good goals, why is that important to you? remember when we were kids and our parents we always telling us you should be doing better in school or you should help more around the house! We always knew what our parents were telling us was in our best interest but there was always something else we wanted to do instead. Friends would show up at the door looking for us to go out and play, so off we went. Life was full of excitement! Let’s imagine...
Dharma or Drama Which one Are You Living ?

Dharma or Drama Which one Are You Living ?

Over the weekend I spent time with a friend I haven’t seen for a few while, we’ve been friends for years, but recently I have noticed almost every time we get together she is always stressed out. Although her situation is not easy, she’s had many challenges in her life. Have you ever noticed there are just some people that no matter what you say or do there seems to always be some sort of Drama in their lives? It could be their job is stressful and the boss is working overtime, or a spouse or loved one is sick. No matter what there is always a story. Oh my!! It’s like they are happy being “stressed out.” The truth is they are living a live of drama. Nothing seems to get better, every time you talk to them their world is up side down! It has been said: “We are what we think about all day.” Thoughts are energy, it doesn’t matter if they are good or bad thoughts. However if you spend most of your day in negative thought, the universe is going to bring things with negative energy into your life, the same is true if your day is spent in positive thought! We must be careful with our words, not just the ones we speak, and the internal conversation we have with ourselves. Have you ever said to yourself… I am stupid I am not good at sports I am so sick of my job I am tired  I am week Truth is what ever we tell ourselves on the inside tends to manifest on...