Reading Your Way To Success

Reading Your Way To Success

Not that long ago I was asked how successful people become so smart. How can one whom preforms below average in school become a millionaire yet a student in the same school who always had straight “A’s” graduates and goes onto college earns a degree and still doesn’t become wealthy. Could it be in the genetics? Or maybe they had poor leadership from their circle of influence. Truth is no matter who you are or what your background is, you can become wealthy as long as you…

Success leaves us all clues, challenge is we sometimes ignore them. We have become a society of preoccupied citizens. Which means no matter where we are or what we’re doing we all choose to become people of a distracted society. Cell phones, text messaging and many other types of electronic distractions that put our focus on the wrong things.

For the most part people we all desire to be healthy, eat right, get the right amount of sleep. Don’t forget some sort of physical activity to keep you in shape. All great ways to keep your edge.

One area we could all use some help with is: Reading, we all do read, yet most think reading new books is boring or a waste of time. When in reality, books have a very unique way to keep our minds expanding no matter what the subject matter is. Books are more available now then ever before. Like health and diet we must be very aware of what we put in our bodies, if we put in garbage what do you think comes out?

Now more than ever we must manage what goes in and what comes out. As long as we feed our minds with good information we all have the same chance for success. If your someone who understands history you’ll be able to leverage information from those people who have overcome the odds and became successful. Keep in mind there are many types of history to learn from, political, family, American as well as world history. No matter what field you are interested in there has been someone who has been there and done that!

Life has many challenges as we grow older, one must become a student if it is success you desire. One of the greatest minds in the world never stopped learning.

A couple of years ago I was invited to lunch by a very successful business man, we were discussing a deal I was proposing. Often times we would meet over a bite to eat and catch up on life. That day the waiter was taking our order but seemed distracted, my partner asked what was the matter and he replied, my apologies sir I’m a bit tired I’ve been working two jobs just to make ends meet. Why don’t you find a better job which pays more money? I wish I could, I don’t have the education to look for a better paying job.

My partner went on to ask him what he did on his days off, his reply was…Well I relax and watch T.V. you know unwind from the day. Why not go to the library and learn a skill or expand you knowledge…Yea I guess I should…You know if you want something bad enough you’ll go for it. You mentioned you were working two jobs, how much longer do you think you’ll be working like that?

There was a long delay, he looked down at his feet and said, never thought about that. Son you can be anything you desire to be but first you must decide what it is you want. The information out there is endless all it takes is for you to apply yourself. Start slow and work your up. Watch an hour less of T.V. on your day’s off, make good use of your free time. Before long you’ll learn something of value which demands more money!

The waiter thanked him and we finished lunch and went on our separate ways. No matter where you are in life know with a little hard work and dedication the sky is the limit!

~Stay Strong~


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