Be Grateful For What You Have

Be Grateful For What You Have

Thanksgiving is now behind us, Christmas is around the corner the stores are getting more and more full of people looking to purchase that perfect gift for a friend or loved one. Sometimes during this busy season searching for that perfect gift we tend to forget not how lucky we are to have the things we currently have in our lives at this moment. Although we are aware of what we have however have you ever thought about more? Of course we all have there’s nothing wrong with wanting to better yourself, the challenge is we must always remember where we came from.

Today our world is spinning faster than ever people are working longer hours with more responsibility as well as much more stress. Along the way we as a society sometimes forget to remember how lucky we are to have the things we currently have, some don’t come with a direct cost, it was paid for by past generations, people gave their lives so we can enjoy the freedoms we experience each day yet we sometimes take them for granted! Never looking back to those people who paid the ultimate price and paid it forward.

We must never forget those who gave it all for us to live in this amazing country. They left behind loved ones, children, friends, parents, family, etc…Our ability to create the life we desire is because of all thoseĀ  who gave unselfishly and allow us to live free.

It’s amazing people feel life has treated them unfair, we are blessed to be here, living in a free country. We do have issues like any other place on earth, yes it can make life a challenge and a bit unfair. However we get more of what we focus on. If we believe prosperity will come chances are it will come your way as long as you are patient.

If we want to lead the world, why not in gratefulness! there’s nothing wrong with being a bit humble also. The challenge is we’re not programed that way, society has changed the way we look at life with all the social media exposure and endless communication, no matter where you are information is at your fingertips. This can be a useful resource if we decide as a society to use it that way. Not abuse the internet for what is not always the truth. If you and I are to live an extraordinary life we must have an extraordinary outlook on life.

There are a few disciplines which help us to keep in line. Before you begin your day take 10 minutes to sit in silence, close your eyes and think about all the good things in your life your grateful for. This helps prime the pump for more good to occupy your thought patterns, as mentioned it’s easy to fill your mind with doom and gloom, if you allow it to, however it can be just as easy to fill your mind up with the greater good!

We are all busy, but we must take time to reflect on all the great things that happen in our lives. Not sure what to be grateful for? sit in a place without distractions, shut off the automatic income reducer, (television) and think…How often do we look back on the past and be grateful.

There is always someone in need, no matter what your situation is be generous, money is not everything you can also give time to those in need!

Ask questions, if you ask a friend what they are grateful for, what do you think they’ll say? No worries they’ll let you know!!

Lastly be compassionate to others, don’t be afraid to tell a friend how much you appreciate them it, how grateful to have them in your live!

Know you can make a difference in someones life with the smallest gesture.

~Stay Strong~


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