“Self Help”

“Self Help”

There are many people attribute their success to what they read on a regular basis. However there are also people who have had no success! Why is that? We feed our bodies but what do we feed our minds with? Over the years I have read many books on “self help” which by the title should “help” you to be successful, right? Don’t get me wrong I am very grateful for what each author has written, and every book I have read has made a positive impact on my life. But somewhere along the line there is a missing piece to the puzzle. Why is it that two people can read the same book and have such a different result? One person reads a book and becomes wealthy, while another does not have success. Back in 2013 a friend of (we’ll call her Jane to keep her name private) mine was getting ready to retire she invested all her life earnings with a trusted investor, Jane was referred by a friend and felt she could rely on his decisions to handle the account. I can remember how excited she was to retire, and how she was going to travel. Perhaps start a business. A few months later I got a call from her telling me the man who invested her savings had disappeared, he was no where to be found, and so was the money. I can’t imagine how that must have felt. All those years of earnings disappeared! But instead of feeling sorry for herself she went out and turned her life around. Jane began reading self help...
“How To Change Your Thinking In 7 Days”

“How To Change Your Thinking In 7 Days”

There are times when no matter what you do, things just seem to go wrong. It could be at work, in your business or in our personal life, when things start to go wrong we just get frustrated…Sound familiar? When my daughter was younger (I can’t believe how fast the time has gone by) she loved to watch Harry Potter. On occasion there would be a “Harry Potter weekend”, she would watch that on and off all day. Don’t get me wrong I am not a big fan of just letting my children sit in front of the T.V. all day. However I knew how much she enjoyed to sit back and watch the show. Then one day my daughter came to me and told me how amazing the author was, I thought to myself who is she talking about? You’d think by now I would know!! So I did some research on the author, turns out her name is Joanne Rowling better known as J.K.Rowling incorporating her “pen” name after her grandmother Kathleen. J.K. Rowling attended Exeter University. After J.K. graduated college got married, her daughter Jessica was born in 1993. When her marriage ended in divorce she moved to Edinburgh to be near her sister.While struggling to support herself and daughter Jessica, J.K. wrote a book, and idea she thought about in 1990. The rest is history! Although her situation was not good she used that time to focus on an idea from her past. So how can we change our thinking when life happens? One of the best ways to change our lives is to go...
“Pain and Pleasure”

“Pain and Pleasure”

Did you know pain can be a bigger motivator than pleasure? At any moment in our lives the reality we live is directly related to what we focus on, our desire to avoid pain and our need to gain pleasure. So how do we use pain as a motivator? Have you ever decided you wanted to go on a diet? I think we all have at one point in our lives. Ever notice how that favorite food you like looks better than ever? You say to yourself…Well I’ll just have a little piece it wont hurt me I’ve been good this week! Doesn’t it taste good when we eat it! We have instant pleasure and forget about our diet. Remember other times when that favorite food looks good but you don’t eat it! Why is that? In our mind there is something we are looking to do by loosing  that weight, it could be you want to look good for that dance you’re going to next month or spring is coming and you want to look good in your bathing suit. Or your going to that high school reunion and you want to look good! Bottom line, it is what we link pain and pleasure to which creates our current reality. Truth is what is real for us at that moment in time. We must use pain and pleasure before pain and pleasure us. If we can do that we are in control of our life, if we don’t pain and pleasure will control our life. This week use your mental focus and change how you feel about any...
“Value Creates Success”

“Value Creates Success”

What is the secret to success? How do wealthy people become wealthy? Business man and investor Warren Buffett demonstrated  his keen business abilities at an early age, by the age of 13 he was running his own business as a paper boy. In high school he and a friend invested 25 dollars in a pinball machine within months they sold their business for a profit of 1200.00 !! Over the years seems like every time you turn around you hear about another company he bought or invested in becomes profitable. At 86 years old, the “Oracle of Omaha” continues to work. Some people say everything he touches turned to gold! Ever wonder how he did that? Yes he was gifted with natural abilities. But so are you. Did you know you can earn as much as you want! So what is the secret? We are compensated in direct relation of the value we provide. Which means if you want to earn more you must become more. These words from Jim Rohn have helped me over the years, I use them on a daily basis: “To have more, simply have to become more.” “Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better.” “For things to change you have to change.” “We get paid for bringing value to the marketplace.” Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job. As you improve on your skills think about a way you can add value to the marketplace.   If you own a business look what your competition is providing their clients and provide better value for their investment. If...


Imagine for a moment you are a lawyer in a court of law. You have been called on as a witness, the lawyer for the prosecution is attempting to convince the jury that you are a credible witness. What do you think he or she will try to prove? You are an honest person with good intentions and you would not lie. You don’t have a “hidden agenda” which would sway your testimony. You have the knowledge and expertise in the area that you are called to testify. Most importantly that you have a good track record and have demonstrated in the past your ability to obtain results! Now it’s the Defense lawyers turn. What is the defense lawyer going to try to prove to the jury? You’d think the first think he or she would do is to attempt to convince the jury that you’re not credible!   However that’s not the way it goes… One of the first things they will do is to prove you are dishonest and lack integrity, or you have some hidden agenda which testimony could benefit the prosecution. your track record is in question or lacks results. Needless to say, in life it boils down to four key elements: Integrity Your Intent Your Capabilities Your Results If you and I are going to are to be credible to ourselves and to others we must first trust who we are. Have you ever made a new year’s resolution? We decide to get in shape for the new year, we’ve made a plan to go to the gym 3 days a week and spend...