How To Keep Motivated At The Gym

How To Keep Motivated At The Gym

We all want to look in shape and physically fit and stay active, yet while it’s true exercise is good for our bodies there is one challenge we’re all faced with. Motivation, that is lack of? Going to the gym sounds good and most of us have very good intentions, we sometimes fall short of our goal. Long day at work fatigued late in the afternoon adds to our excuse as to why we’re not able to get there today. I’m busy this afternoon I’ll get there tomorrow night for sure, sound familiar? Truth is we do have many other obligations which need to be addressed every day and should never be ignored. However when it comes to our health we need to take notice. Many years ago when I was much younger, I was given a word of advice regarding my finances. I was young and thought earning more money would fix my financial issues, until one day at lunch an old timer I never spoke to heard my tails of woe , and said, son when you get your paycheck the first bill you should pay is yourself. It did not register at first, but after a few minutes I thought about it, he was right if I pay myself first I’ll always have money, a concept I still utilize today. This methodology can be applied to many areas in life. Health is an area which the same principal can be applied. If we make health our first priority we’ll always have time to get to the gym, or go for a walk, swim, bike or any...
Sleep And Your Health

Sleep And Your Health

As time ticks by so does our need for sleep. The more people you tale to these days the more it is clear you and I tend to not get enough sleep, although we think we’re sleeping good, most mornings we awake get a cup of coffee and away we go, start the day hurry up to work, the office, a meeting, presentation, or just off to work. Never thinking how well we slept the night before which is one very important factor when it comes to daily progress and productivity. Only if we could keep that Crystal ball next to our bed so when we do wake up we can monitor last nights sleep pattern. Why is monitoring how much sleep important ? With out a set time for bed and a solid night sleep pattern limits our focus and concentration. We are more likely to make more mistakes when we are not properly rested. Our internal time clock tells us we got enough sleep and to keep going. Although that might be a common response, however if we look at the details we need 6-8 hours of sleep to provide enough rest to recharge our batteries. Today we are faced with different elements which limit a rest full night sleep. Seems more and more people today are trading sleep for time to complete tasks, personal as well as in business it is a new trend which can do more harm than good. Have you ever thought you’ll get caught up on sleep this weekend? Only to wake up early thinking about how much needs to get done...
“Health Is Wealth”

“Health Is Wealth”

Have you ever heard “Health Is Wealth” like most people we’ve heard that quite a bit over the years, which means no matter how much money you have or earn it means nothing if you have poor health. Health issues plague our country, it doesn’t matter if your a man or a woman both share health related issues. High blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, high cholesterol just to name a few. People are suffering from many health related issues some are related to what we eat as well as a lack of exercise. What’s the point of working extra hours each day to earn more money only to not be able to enjoy life because of poor health! Think about it if you were to have as much money as you wanted however your current health did not allow for you to travel and enjoy life, how would that make you feel? Health is Wealth, over the years we’ve all heard that same statement yet do we understand the meaning? Over the years I’ve come across many people with little money but they kept their health in check, they were some of the happiest people you’d ever want to meet, not a care in the world. They had the ability to go and do what ever they wanted, if more money was an issue they would work a bit harder, but keep an eye on how they were feeling along the way. A daily exercise routine was still part of their life. Another group of folks I’d became friends with had a different approach, work came first they’d worry...
Why Eating Green Is Important

Why Eating Green Is Important

What if there was a food that could help reduce health risks, assist in weight loss, look younger, strengthen bones and help us live longer, best of all this food is very inexpensive and available in most grocery stores. You can also grow them in a garden. We’re talking about green vegetables. May seem a bit strange, that same food we’d hate when we were kids, our parents always taught us to eat our vegetables because they would keep us healthy. But often times we would struggle to finish what was on our plates! The challenge was we loved things that had flavor, like cookies, ice cream, to name only a few sweets, not that we had poor diets, we simply did not like our vegetables. Today as an adult we are much more aware of what we eat to promote good health, unlike when we were kids eating to promote good health was the furthest thing on our minds. Eating green vegetables is still not a favorite food of most people. However eating good greens provides the body with jamb packed nutrients like Vitamins A,C,K as well as K (often times found in salad greens, spinach and kale). Broccoli is another good green, at our house during the summer months we eat broccoli at least 2-3 times a week. There are many ways to prepare broccoli we steam it for just a few minutes, that keeps it firm which is the way we enjoy it. Sometimes raw, try it you might like it! Truth is all vegetables and fruit are an important element within our daily diet, it’s...
How What You Eat Controls Your Daily Productivity

How What You Eat Controls Your Daily Productivity

At a business meeting with a potential client a question was asked which caught me off guard…Overall what was your most productive day this week? Thinking about that I answered Tuesday, everything seemed to work effortlessly that day, clients were notified, meetings were confirmed and all employees had what they needed to complete their tasks. Next question: What did you eat for lunch that day? In fact what did you eat for lunch everyday this week?Now I’m puzzled as to why this was relative to the business we were discussing. I sat there for quite a while and did not answer, a bit confused, was I being set up to be sold a product or service? Or was he genuinely concerned about my well being. I’d like to believe the latter. After a few more minutes it dawned on me, we sometimes get so busy with emails, meetings, calls, and at times unreasonable deadlines which contributes to an unbalanced diet. We are all guilty of not stopping for lunch or taking a break to unwind and focus. Food is one of the furthest things on our minds. Work sometimes takes the place of our health. That’s not how we should manage ourselves but at times we are all a bit guilty of not taking a break even when we don’t feel like it. If your needed gas and you decided to save a few dollars and bought gas at a station that was known for watering down the mixture, only to break down on your way home that night! Now imaging if you went to a gas station known...
New Year New Health

New Year New Health

The new year is underway with many of us wondering what the year will bring, like most people health is or should be a number one priority, nothing else matters if your health is poor. All the money in the world can’t make a difference if health related illnesses plague your daily life. The good news is we can improve our chances of health issues with daily exercise, although most of us have less time these days to include some sort of fitness in our schedules there are many ways to take control and improve our condition. If you ask most people what there number one New Year’s resolution was for 2017 you’d be surprised how many said health-fitness. January and February are the busiest months in any gym as the months go by more and more people don’t continue to make it there, changing habits and routine is a challenge keeping a positive outlook on just making it to the gym requires discipline. Without question proper exercise plays a role in prevention as well as treatment of many types of diseases which can appear through out our bodies. Studies have shown weekly exercise reduces your chances of heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes. Cancer rates are impacted by exercise. With rising costs of health care we all need to include some sort of fitness in our life style. Before you do begin any fitness program be sure to consult with your doctor. So what type of fitness program is best? Running, walking, crossfit, yoga, zumba, cardiovascular/aerobic, anaerobic, insanity, couch to 5k, p90x, planking, soulcycle, kettlebell, weights…etc…etc…When you...