Relaxing is Linked to Success

Relaxing is Linked to Success

In today’s world more and more people are so busy with work, family and keeping their head above water that many fall short of an important element of success. We’re now attached to the smart device 24/7 whether your sleeping or not you’re “Plugged in” it’s unlikely you’ll even notice just how much we’ve become a slave to a device… In recent years the internet has exploded with amazing information which benefits us all, allows us to search for anything needed in a moments notice with out delay, it’s a good thing right? However with the ability to be plugged into any resource we need you’d think we would be a much more relaxed society, but truth is…Look around, people have a layer of stress around them, information is so fast our brains can hardly keep up with it. Social media is not age related, anyone can get an account and post whatever is on their mind for the world to read, a never ending stream of posts show up on your page. How any of us can determine what each post means or what the message is at that second is quite a challenge. Have you ever noticed people walking around in a trance starring at their device like a message from the lottery department was being transmitted? So many of us have become totally dependent on these devices, it’s like a new wave has engulfed society and held them captive…Not allowing any of us a chance to even think about it. Which is what leads to most peoples frustration and an increase in stress levels. The chance...
Work Hard Today One Percent Harder Tomorrow

Work Hard Today One Percent Harder Tomorrow

You can ask any athlete what the secret to a successful team is, you’d find the answer is quite surprising. It’s not limited to recruiting the best in the game or teammates who get along, owners which pay the highest salaries, fans supporting whether you win or loose. Truth is the key to a successful team is leadership. Same is true in business…In sports a coach is vital to a teams success, understanding each element of the game as well as how to inspire all those who play. A coaches job is not for the faint of heart. One must possess the ability to recognize shortfalls and individual limitations. Extract extraordinary qualities from the players-address problems and inspire for better each day. Understand limitations and work within reasonable possibilities. Look at the team as they are…Not worse than they are. Not to dwell on an area which might be holding them back, a view of reality and possibilities. Vision is an element all those who wear the same shirt must see, without a realistic view the team becomes unable to improve. A great coach shapes the future of possibilities within reach as long as a constant effort is applied. There is an old saying…No pain no gain…You get out what you put in. Proper strategy is key to unleashing individual, effort, courage, faith, as well as transforming limitations into future success. If a team looses faith in leadership, the team begins to become complacent and the will to strive for better diminishes. Same is true when a coach pushes a team beyond limitations. If each day we’re asked to...
Create or Compete?

Create or Compete?

In business today one needs to be aware of the competition, keep up on that which the other guy is doing and become a little bit better than them…Right? Hire employees who are the best in their field, work ethics the same as yours, always ready to give you 100%. This is the only way to keep ahead of anyone who may compete for your potential clients. Margins are tight so overhead must be kept in check. Although you get what you pay for, a budget in any successful business is essential. Never mind what needs to take place every day in the field to obtain that edge over the competition. Any amount of distance you can keep between your business and the next guy’s always takes priority over day to day challenges. You could say in order to create a better opportunity you must create confusion so people will look to you for direction as well as any advice on your business. Which can result in your company becoming the leader in your field. Seems as if all else fails, you might as well as reach in the bag of last resort…A sense of what makes you different than your competitor is one way to capture clientele, why your business is better and what you can do to provide a better service than the competition in your field. However there is another way to capture new clients and be the front runner, it’s not as if just improvement in what your currently doing will keep ahead of the closest competitor. Consider an ideal which no one has thought...
Motivation vs State of Mind?

Motivation vs State of Mind?

Remember when you were a child, you’d laugh, play explore, day dream and just enjoy life. Nothing seemed to bother you back then, there were no problems only things which perhaps we didn’t understand…Truth is life was simple and each day was more and more exciting. Our friends would come by and off we’d go for hours only to return home to eat and sleep. Although life was simpler then, we always had a smile on our faces even if there was nothing to smile about. Being motivated to go out side was not an issue. It didn’t matter how tired we were when it was time to hang out with our friends off we went…We’d laugh, smile, run, play, or explore the unknown, there was no end to the amount of energy we had in those days…Right? Today it’s not quite that easy, sound familiar? Being motivated to get out there and enjoy the things we might not enjoy doing is much more of a challenge. Is it the work we do? The people we’re with? Or it could be another reason why staying motivated is harder today. Some would argue life is harder today which is why so many people are unhappy. One might consider how much harder it was not that many years ago. Before technology existed, people needed to get their water from a well, every morning they’d lower a bucket down with a rope and pull up water a bucket at a time, if warm water was needed you would have to start a fire and warm it up over an open flame, if...