Digital Relationships

Digital Relationships

In today’s technological world communication has changed, some would state for the better some would say for the worse, there’s always two sides of any argument. You can tweet, post or text just about any person with a smart phone. Challenge becomes when the person on the other end of the message reads whats typed in the wrong way. From there back and forth goes the conversation…Sound familiar? Same is true when it comes to the relationship with our partner. A message is sent, reviewed and a comment is returned, all in seconds, It’s no wonder so many couples today are growing apart. The digital era we’re in allows us many conveniences to get the message out, however one important word which is missing…Love…You can type, text, post, tweet, email and many other ways to send the message. Yet how do we send what is in our hearts. When you tell your partner you love them and look them in the eye, the message is clear. Physical touch can never be replaced, no form of communication will ever replace that which you do when you say, I Love you and wrap your arms around your loved one. Think about it, does Skype time replace real time? is the feeling the same? Can you notice the vibration of love throughout your body? How does a message feel when they aren’t there in person? Sometimes there is no other way to communicate with the person you love, could be in another part of the world or working late, away for business or just not able to get together. Needless to say...
Productivity Or Technology

Productivity Or Technology

In many way’s the world is the same as it was years ago. Some would argue the new era we live in is a much faster pace with a constant change in methods and means pertaining to work as well as in our personal lives. People still get up go to work and have leisure time in the evening, well not everyone…Time has become the new obsession, or lack there of. If you’d look at time I think we all could agree, 24 hours a day 7 day’s a week…That’s all we have…Right? So what is the difference today? Time is the same. Could it be computers? Cell phones? Social Media? Information it literately at our finger tips, anything you need to know is just a few clicks away. However with all this technology our ability to be more productive in a shorter time frame is normal…Right? You’d think we’d all agree but when looking around in public the majority of the population in on warp speed, seems like everyone is in a hurry to go no where with less time to get there…Cripes… An endless wheel of stress and confusion with little to no change in newly formed habits which have most doing the same thing over and over again and again…Sound familiar? Technology should have made our lives easier and much more productive with more free time each day. Truth is it doesn’t matter if more tools, or technology is available, how we utilize them is what does matter.   Being more productive allows us to measure the amount of output we generate in a small time...
The Past Serves You

The Past Serves You

Over the years we’ve all bad things happen to us, could be a small issue or a life event. None the less Life has a unique way of happening, yet with all the issues which arise have you ever thought life is happening for you? Life can bring us to our knees at times however each time there is a message in each issue. The pain we experience can manifest into many forms-but we can make a choice to either let an event defeat us or define us. Spending time dwelling and living each day in that place can leave a person with out faith that tomorrow is going to improve. We can spend time “living” in negative emotions which does not change the situation or we can choose to think differently, it is our choice. For every life event we need to place blame on an external condition causing the pain. Before we point a finger placing blame we might want to also look at the good that came out of each challenging situation and give credit for all good and bad challenges. We all have a part of us which is part of our initial DNA, developed from an event that happened at some point in life, and has made us to the person we are today. Years ago I worked as an apprentice in the building trades, I was fortunate to learn from a seasoned professional. A friend of mine was able to do the same, however the journeyman he was working with at the time had little patience for mistakes. When you’re new to any...
How To Keep Growing You’re Customer Base

How To Keep Growing You’re Customer Base

If your like most business owners, lead generation can consume a large chunk of your budget. Today it seems like the world is turning at the speed of light…New methods to increase the amount of people on your list is common language in most marketing campaigns. Have you ever got an email which states for a small monthly fee you can learn how to add hundreds of new subscribers to your list each month. Or you receive an email prompting you to take a quick survey and in return you’ll get free products…When in reality they are marketing to you, learning what products suit your needs then email you deal after deal, if you act now you’ll receive free shipping! Each company has it’s own unique marketing strategy, including getting you on a list then sending you useful information in return. There’s nothing wrong with receiving information to enhance your life style.   One of the challenges with some marketing can be when the information sent has no relevance in your life style and borders on spam. At that point most people either delete or ignore the info. In any business lead generation takes the drivers seat. It’s about assembling a customer base which is essential if you want to grow a business, we’ve all heard that old saying, if your not growing your dying. There is little loyalty today, information is sent to an email, read and a decision is made, some say you have less than five seconds to get someones attention before they hit the delete button…This makes marketing all the more challenging. So what can...
The Customer OR You – Who Comes First?

The Customer OR You – Who Comes First?

If you own a business you can’t help but agree keeping employees on track is a challenge. Although there are those who need little leadership however most need guidance when it comes down to proper customer service. Ever notice when there’s a conflict it’s the same group of people? Complaining, not agreeing with other employees, or think there idea is the only way to get it done. Yet if we look at those in question you’d see a trend. In general terms there’s two type of people we deal with in business, those who are always thinking about ”what’s in it for them” and those who seek to serve others. If we think about it in terms of percentages, say you employ 100 people then 95% of complaints would be by 5% of the work force. Being in business and dealing with people for many years now I can tell you those numbers are very close in most business today. Those who tend to always focus on…If I do that for them what do I get in return…You might want to evaluate their personality before you hire. People who look at what they get before what they can do can be a challenge to deal with as time goes on. If a situation does not work out to their advantage they will be the first at the complaint department. On the other hand a person who looks at a customer and seeks to resolve their issue, in the long run will be a better employee and serve to grow and expand your business. When hiring an employee we look...