Digital Relationships

Digital Relationships

In today’s technological world communication has changed, some would state for the better some would say for the worse, there’s always two sides of any argument. You can tweet, post or text just about any person with a smart phone. Challenge becomes when the person on the other end of the message reads whats typed in the wrong way. From there back and forth goes the conversation…Sound familiar?


Same is true when it comes to the relationship with our partner. A message is sent, reviewed and a comment is returned, all in seconds, It’s no wonder so many couples today are growing apart. The digital era we’re in allows us many conveniences to get the message out, however one important word which is missing…Love…You can type, text, post, tweet, email and many other ways to send the message. Yet how do we send what is in our hearts. When you tell your partner you love them and look them in the eye, the message is clear.


Physical touch can never be replaced, no form of communication will ever replace that which you do when you say, I Love you and wrap your arms around your loved one. Think about it, does Skype time replace real time? is the feeling the same? Can you notice the vibration of love throughout your body? How does a message feel when they aren’t there in person?


Sometimes there is no other way to communicate with the person you love, could be in another part of the world or working late, away for business or just not able to get together. Needless to say that’s when our new digital era has made communicating with your partner an amazing resource.


Challenge becomes when the time spent is not as good as when in person, energy which is transmitted from your body to your partners body becomes a missing element. The message transmitted when physical touch is sent throughout the body, is one of love.

sunrise powerlink transmission line elp

We must remember when together to put our electronic devices away, communicate with the spoken word. Today I was at a restaurant and noticed a couple having lunch, both were looking at their phones, posting, texting, tweeting, and what ever else satisfied them. The sad part about this was throughout lunch neither said a word to the other. I was amazed at this. It had been approximately 30 minutes and not a word was said. The bill came, was signed for and off they went.


Sitting there looking around the room I was surrounded with people looking at their phones…Some talking some not, however most could not resist looking at their phone every few minutes. No question we have entered into a new phase of life, not all bad, but still the question remains can we move forward in a relationship if there’s little to no communication?

USA, New Jersey, Jersey City, Couple having dinner and text messaging

The answer remains in quality of time spent together, undivided, no distractions, and no electronic devices when together. We’re so programmed to believe multi-tasking is when we must do all day. The issue is sometimes we forget, and keep it up when with your loved one. So where do we go from here?


We can begin by spending time in the present, which means don’t check the phone, laptop, or any other electronic device, there’s always time for that! Stay focused to the person your with. You’d be surprised how much better your relationship will be once all electronic devices are silenced. Take time out of your day when just you and your partner can communicate.


Remember how you felt the first time you met your loved one?

Don’t fall into the abyss of the digital darkness.

Make today like the first day.

There will never be a last.

~Stay Strong~


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