Is Owning A Business For You?

Is Owning A Business For You?

In business today most owners are focused on providing a product with a competitive price point which is quite a challenge due to the rising cost of overhead and daily expenses. For a person with a flavor for being an entrepreneur starting a business can be a bit overwhelming at best. Yet everyday new business are starting all across the country. When looking at existing business models one must question how a small business owner is to be competitive against big corporate companies. There is much opportunity in the world today, changes due to technology has elevated the work force to perform more work in less time, however along with these enhancements jobs have been eliminated and people have been forced to take jobs which don’t align with years of experience, needless to say some people find themselves working full time for part time pay. It’s hard to imaging working for the same employer for 30 years in the current job market. Some still do, but most don’t. The question we must ask ourselves is…Do I see myself working for ABC Company for the next 30 years and have a 401 large enough to live comfortable for the rest of my life? There is endless opportunity for growth now, more and more people are falling short from their financial goals and looking for a way to increase income and live a better life style. However if you talk to a small business owner you might hear stories of long hours with little pay. That might be true for some but not for all. Make no mistake owning your own...
Can Social Media Hurt You?

Can Social Media Hurt You?

Not that long ago communication was accomplished by a letter, phone call or direct contact. Today with the development of social media we now have the ability to have a live feed from the internet on the latest communication from friends, family, coworkers, and even the President. Over the past decade the way we communicate with each other has been influenced by, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Snapchat etc. If you were to ask, most people would say they have their social media life “under control” yet when you look at the collective society social media dominates their lives. Think of the last day you didn’t check the phone for the latest post, feed, or tweet? We’ve become addicted to information which in many way has helped us grow as a society. Families can see pictures of loved ones from around the world. You can make a video and send it to a friend or Tweet a good word for the day. However with all the good which has come out of social media, there are some things to be aware of. There have been situations when a job opportunity may have been impacted by what an individual posts, some companies now look at what you like and post on social media as part of the hiring process. Identities have been stolen, cyber bulling is now part of what can happen if your not careful what you post and share. There have been stories of homes which have been broken into due to the location of the owner during last post. However with anything in life you must always be...
How To Manage Stress At Work

How To Manage Stress At Work

 In today’s world we are all faced with a changing work place, corporate structures are much different then they were only a few years ago. The demands on employees can be overwhelming and at times unrealistic yet most people ignore one of the most important person in their lives…You…Although we must stay focused on our work and be at our best, however we must not forget to take care of ourselves. Yesterday I had lunch with a friend, our conversation revolved around work…Yikes…Not about family or what’s new in his life…All about “The Job.”We’ve been friends for years so I just let him speak, the company is in the middle of restructuring (sound familiar) and changing the departments scope of work. Mike is an engineer he has been doing this work for most of his life, designing, development as well as working with actual field conditions. But the company has changed their philosophy, instead of a design team working with sales, Mike’s new job is to combine sales with design, this is to keep all designers on track and complete projects within estimated time frame. It’s understood all work needs to be completed in a set time frame, however Mike has never worked in sales and knows little about estimating a job. To say the least Mike is stressed out working long hours with little time off. Although my friends story is unique, most people you talk to these days are in a similar position at the workplace. Stress at the work place can reduce the chances for your success. Business as we know it is changed, in order...
How To Make Your Imagination A Reality

How To Make Your Imagination A Reality

Have you ever wondered what makes one person take action and another to procrastinate? Is it experience? Training? Or do they have a gift? Seems like a complicated answer, however when you break it down the truth is a matter of whether you have a strong belief the action taken will lead to the desired result. For most people action is only a reality when a result is a certainty, which most of the time can lead to…Just thinking about what to do. A thought of doubt is present, however all is required is a little faith to see action through. The maybe voices begin to circle around your mind over and over again leading to a less than perfect effort. Our heart and soul is missing and so is our ability to focus energy in areas needing attention. The key is to see that which you wish to accomplish already complete in your mind. Regardless of what is happening in the external world and detaching from results. Visualization is a powerful tool in developing a strong belief system. Create as many details of what you wish to complete as feasible. This is one step most people overlook, It’s not talked about much within the masses. When I was in high school I played many sports, in winter it was hockey, spring is when track and field would begin, summer was baseball. Of all the sports I always looked forward to track and field. Our coach was amazing, he would always encourage us to push harder. I was not that good at long distance runs, the 100 yard dash...