

Remember when we were kids and life was simpler… We’d play for hours. Who liked Baseball. Who liked Hockey. Who liked Basketball. Who liked Football. Who liked soccer. Let’s imagine for a moment what life was like back then. You would get up in the morning and go outside and play until dark (or at least until your mother told you it was time to come in) I can never forget the time the Boston Bruins won the Stanley cup in 1970. The Bruins were making their first appearance in the final since 1958. The Bruins went on to win the series 4-0, their first Stanley cup victory in 29 years…Bobby Orr scored the cup-winning goal on Glenn Hall, with an assist from Derek Sanderson, at forty seconds of overtime, I’ll never forget that day I saw Bobby Orr flying through the air,(he had been tripped by Blues defenseman Noel Picard just as he shot the puck) his arms raised in victory! I can remember how happy my Dad was when the Bruins won that day, I think we were both dancing around the house…Like little kids…(at that time I still was). From that moment on I always Imagined I would also score a “game winning goal” every time we played hockey. It didn’t matter if it was raining. It didn’t matter if it was snowing. It didn’t matter if it was below zero. It didn’t matter if the ice was a little rough. All I could imagine was scoring that goal…No excuses… How about you ? Did you ever use your imagination like that when you were a...
The Highest Form Of Architecture

The Highest Form Of Architecture

During the fall of 2008 I learned what words can mean and how they can make you feel. I was working 50 miles from home that sunny fall day, the trees had amazing color, the wind was gentile however it had that cool breeze , there was a faint smell of burning wood in the air. Thinking to myself that day how amazing life is and how grateful I am to be in this place at this time in my life… Later that morning my phone rang it was my wife…She had gone over my folks house to “check in”. They live just down the street from house so we look after them on a regular basis, mom was helping out at school that day do day was all alone. I heard those words…you better come home something is wrong with your father. Now that’s words you never want to hear…My Dad was having a stroke…I rushed toward home driving like a madman…On my way home my wife called me to tell me my Dad was now at the hospital. When I arrived at the hospital he was is in the emergency room the doctors were trying to figure out what to do to save his life…It was determined my Dad needed to go to Mass General Hospital in Boston Mass via Med-flight.I can remember as they loaded Dad into the Med-flight I asked the doctor what were his chances ??? He turned and looked me dead in the eye and said…Son your Dad has a 50/50 percent chance of survival !!!!  More words I didn’t want to hear…Was...
The Art Of Life

The Art Of Life

A few days ago I attended a meeting which turned out to be very productive for my business, when we were leaving I noticed a man painting a picture out front of the building. This was unusual to see anyone painting a picture of this old run down structure. At first it seemed he could be painting another building however as I approached the sketch it was apparent what he was painting. I stood there for quite a while and watched as he added a little paint here and a little paint there. I’m always amazed how artists can just look at something and create a masterpiece with the stroke of a brush. I could have stood there all day and not said a word as he continued to paint, but I need to know why he choose this building! I asked if he minded that I watched him paint, he replied no not at all pull up a seat and get comfortable. I thought it unusual that he was so friendly. The section of town where this building was located is not a very good section of the city, people tend to keep to themselves. After a while we began a conversation back and forth discussing the weather and baseball and a few other subjects. I did ask him why (I needed to know) he chose this old run down structure to paint. His answer was not what I expected, what do you like about this structure? Yikes I was a loss for words! you know in the art world it’s been said “Beauty is in the eye...
Don’t Let Failure Hold You Back

Don’t Let Failure Hold You Back

We all set goals with good intentions of accomplishing each one, we’ve done all the research gathered required tools and resources, put the proper time aside each day like were told kept our minds focused on the result, however for some reason it just didn’t work out. We were so sure all the all the bases were covered and there was no way we were going to fail. Each task was methodically thought out, countless hours were spent each day yet things still did not work. Truth is it is times like these when we need to be our own cheerleader. What we do next after a missed opportunity shapes our future. The easy way out would be to quit and walk away, go back to the life we were living before the decision was made to take a leap of faith. Each one of us knows that is not an option, quitting is a temporary solution to a permanent problem. We need to take responsibility for each situation which doesn’t work out, realize sometimes this just happens so be prepared and accept, move on, each missed goal is there to prepare you for the next one. We can learn from the past, however if we dwell in the past we’ll never move ahead. If things don’t work out the first time, stop, change something, reflect on mistakes you might have made along the way, they are there to teach you along the way, study them and move on. Remember over time you’ll get better, a set back from time to time will only help you grow. Never get...
The Past Serves You

The Past Serves You

Over the years we’ve all bad things happen to us, could be a small issue or a life event. None the less Life has a unique way of happening, yet with all the issues which arise have you ever thought life is happening for you? Life can bring us to our knees at times however each time there is a message in each issue. The pain we experience can manifest into many forms-but we can make a choice to either let an event defeat us or define us. Spending time dwelling and living each day in that place can leave a person with out faith that tomorrow is going to improve. We can spend time “living” in negative emotions which does not change the situation or we can choose to think differently, it is our choice. For every life event we need to place blame on an external condition causing the pain. Before we point a finger placing blame we might want to also look at the good that came out of each challenging situation and give credit for all good and bad challenges. We all have a part of us which is part of our initial DNA, developed from an event that happened at some point in life, and has made us to the person we are today. Years ago I worked as an apprentice in the building trades, I was fortunate to learn from a seasoned professional. A friend of mine was able to do the same, however the journeyman he was working with at the time had little patience for mistakes. When you’re new to any...
3 Simple Steps To Make The World A Better Place

3 Simple Steps To Make The World A Better Place

The world is full of beauty, amazing sunsets, mountains filled with flowers reaching up to the sky, the sound of oceans crashing on a shoreline can leave you speechless. Yet among all the glory and beauty in the world there are those people who spend their time looking for what’s wrong with the world instead of what’s right. However we should never turn our head on real life issues and walk away from issues which need to be addressed. With all the uncertainty and negative issues we are faced with in the world today it’s a challenge to keep a positive attitude and move forward with the greater good. At times it can get discouraging and seem like you’re the only one who is working to make a difference, yet deep down in your soul you know there’s something you can do to give back to the world, but what can you do? people all around you seem like they don’t care so why should you? right? That couldn’t be further from the truth. I believe people are basically good and do want to make a difference and give back to society. Truth is most people don’t know what to do as well as fear they will be looked at or laughed at! The universe gives what it gets. Meaning if you send out good the universe will send back the same. No action is wasted. Conversely if you send out bad energy the universe sends it back also. Like a drop of water which sends ripples through out. It starts out small but as time goes on it...