What’s The Plan?

What’s The Plan?

Not too many years ago my mentor gave a piece of advice to me which to this day I’ve never forgot. If you fail to plan then you are planning to fail. We’ve all had goals over the years going as far back as childhood. Although simple we set a goal and worked our plan to get there…Ever wanted to stay over a friends house but waited until the right time to ask mom? Or that new bike you walked by each time you went to the store, remember how it felt thinking about how awesome it would be riding it around the neighborhood, popping wellies and riding one handed? People would look in awe. Like we already had the bike at hand. We worked all summer to earn enough money to buy that bike! Our goal was that bike our action plan was to work and save money to buy the bike-It worked! We saved our nickles and pennies, before long we had the money to get that bike. It doesn’t matter how small the goal is, if we have a vision of what we want, chances are we’ll find a way to overcome the odds and get it done!! Challenge is we sometimes fall short of our goals when the plan is vague and not focused. If you and I are to life a of passion, we must find out what we want. Once we’ve determined what it is we desire, next step is develop a plan. Remember, it’s different for each of us no two people have the same dreams and goals. It’s what makes the...
The Secret Of Words And Emotion

The Secret Of Words And Emotion

What is the secret of words and emotion? Is it limited to the English language? French? Spanish? or another language which utilize words with different meanings? The question is what drives language. Words do have different meaning however when combined with emotions such as hate, love, anger are all part of emotions. When fueled with emotion issues become created or solved. Today language around the world is different in how they are spoken as well as how they are interpreted, yet with all language spoken on a different platform, the meanings behind the words is the same. If we were to go to china and listen to how people communicate most of would not understand a word of what they were saying. But if we observe their emotions you’d understand when someone was angry or happy. Even in other languages each emotion is different with each word they choose. We sometimes don’t realize when we speak the words we utilize have completely different meanings yet we speak them in the same sentence. Have you ever told someone you loved them but also told them I hate you have to go to work at that job? Two completely different words with completely different meanings yet we say them frequently! The challenge is the combination of words and emotion has an effect on the point we are attempting to get across to a person, if we power a word with too much emotion the point is over done, or we don’t attach enough emotion to a word our outcome could not be what we expect. Leaders know when speaking in front...
How Negative Influences Can Impact Your Success

How Negative Influences Can Impact Your Success

One major influence in our lives is the people we spend the most time with, although not intentional, they play a part in shaping our personality. If we spend time with people who look at life as half empty chances are we’ll look at life the same way, they might not have any money, chances are they spend more than they make, before long we’ll be spending more than we make, or what if they don’t have hobbies…Do you think we will have hobbies? Chances are right now you and I are being influenced by people in our lives. Over time we adopt their habits, if they read books we read book, if they don’t read we don’t read. We must become self reliant. Develop a sense of drive, and independence. If we let those influences into our lives we could become misguided and not find our way to the success we desire. When we were kids our parents would keep an eye on our friends, if they felt they weren’t right for us they told us to stay away. Same is true as adults, we must constantly be aware of the people we let into our lives, ask yourself is this person helping me or hurting me? If their ideals are not the same as yours chances are they could send you in another direction which is a place we don’t want to be. It can be a challenge leaving people behind, however if we continue with the wrong people in our circle of influence the outcome will be in favor of another persons plan. We should carefully...
The Opportunity For Success Is Attracted

The Opportunity For Success Is Attracted

Today at the gym a person I’d never met asked me a question? Why is it the people who don’t look for opportunities get them handed to them? I paused and didn’t say a word, have to admit I was totally caught off guard. What I was missing was a guy at the other end of the facility was talking to a man in a suit. Looked like he’d singled out this person and was offering him something. When I’m working out my headphones are on and the music is playing, so I miss out on many conversations, I like to concentrate on my routine and not get caught up in distractions. The guy why asked me the question was just amazed by what just happened. Although strange, opportunities are all around us each day if we look hard enough. His question was real, but he missed the first part of why this man began offering this guy in the gym an opportunity. It’s no secret hard work pays off in the long run, keep your head down and focus at the task at hand, opportunities will come right? Well, that’s not always the case. Truth is you can chase opportunities and never find success. However if what you do creates value, you’ll attract opportunity. After observing what went on in the gym, I thought what was it which made this man to come to the gym late in the day and make an offer to this man. What did he do? As it turns out this guy was a licensed electrician and the owner of the gym was...
What You Know Can Help Others

What You Know Can Help Others

Today if you’re looking for information the internet is a great place to start, there’s and endless supply of resources to obtain just about anything you can think of. With just a few key strokes a website is in front of you…But… Ever notice when you click on more info, a page comes up looking for you to enter an email or subscribe in order to gain access to the remainder of the info? There are fewer and fewer places to go where information is free. For most of us we rely on the internet for a majority of what we “don’t know.” Not to say we are all looking for free info all the time, people need to earn a living also, however when someone shares their knowledge with the world many benefit from what is written. It can impact and change a person’s life for the good. Don’t be afraid to share with others what you know, it can help make a difference. If what you know is helpful to one chances are it can help many, if you tell one person one time it is repeated only once, yet if you tell 12 people you’ll repeat it a dozen times, not only have you helped 12 people you’ve reviewed the info twelve more times! This can have a unique impact in your personal life, there is power in giving. We sometimes forget giving does not always in the physical sense it can be sharing an idea or a helpful way to solve a problem. Imagine the impact if your helpful idea was transformed into something which...
Why Some Succeed and Some Don’t

Why Some Succeed and Some Don’t

If your like most people success is on your mind, could be a simple goal or an aggressive plan with many mountains to climb nevertheless internally we all strive for success. This desire is the fuel for implementing actions which propel forward motion to discover a way to express our inner values for the world to see. If we desire success we will find a way to succeed. With each day we learn a bit more about who we are and why our plan is unique for us. Whenever there is a bump in the road our desire to succeed finds a way around those unforeseen issues. Some say that which doesn’t kill you makes you stronger! In life there are many obstacles which stand in the way, there is never a straight line to the top. Why some succeed and some don’t – is baffling and seems at times unfair. We’ve heard stories of people who came from good families, hung around with the right friends, went to the best schools got degrees, had perfect attitudes, a burning desire to better themselves, yet still struggle in life, live in quiet desperation. When you look at the past they had every opportunity to be at the top of there game. On the other side there are others who seem to just fall into it, never had a good education, have a poor attitude about themselves as well as others, sometimes not honest, however the only thing they have in common with those who have went down the right path in life is a burning desire for success. What can...