Success-The Journey not The Destination

Success-The Journey not The Destination

No matter what part of the world you live in or which culture you’re raised in, we all have a common view about success. The more material things you have the more you’d look like a success in the eyes of others, right? Most people would agree that as long as you had plenty of money you would be considered a success, however one challenge with that is what if a person wins the lottery and suddenly there was more money than you could spend? would you consider that person a success just because they had plenty of cash? Hard to disagree when there is an abundance of money life becomes easier and less stressful. Yet if that were true why is it when someone wins the lottery or finds out they were left a large sum of money become unhappy and before long find there not living the life as they anticipated. Material things become no longer a way to find happiness, some become unhappy and turn to negative behaviors to satisfy the desire for more.   This is a dark road to travel down, always looking for that next great thing to satisfy a need to feel good. There’s nothing wrong with not being satisfied and a desire for more, the challenge is the idea that just getting that next widget will make you “feel better” becomes a shallow view of what an individual is capable of achieving. There is greatness deep within us all, a part of us just waiting to be unleashed, society has lead us to believe as long as you get-more-stuff…Hey you’ll look...
Self Efficacy: Do you Believe in Yourself ?

Self Efficacy: Do you Believe in Yourself ?

Today we are all  faced with more and more challenges, which in some ways is good, it is a way for us to expand and grow right?? If your like most people life at times seems as unpredictable as the weather. Just when things are going along smoothly…A major road block appears!   When “life happens” do you feel like you can “rise up” to the challenge? Or do you give up ?Is your motto the glass is always half-full? or half-empty?? What you believe about your own abilities can play a major role in how you feel about a situation as well as the success you will have to achieve your goals in life. Self Efficacy beliefs should never be compared with outcome expectations, which is when a person begins to judge the consequences of a particular behavior will produce. A confident person doesn’t just “hope for a successful outcome, they anticipate one! Albert Bandura defines Self Efficacy: Which refers to one’s belief that he or she is capable of successfully performing a certain task to meet a goal. If you are of the belief that accomplishing a task which you never accomplished before is not likely or you doubt your ability, your Self-Efficacy is low you will never challenge yourself to improve. Each obstacle becomes a problem or issue which fuels excuses and validation of why is is better to give up and quit! The past becomes future reality. Yet if you set your beliefs much higher than your ability it is possible you will set your goals too high and fail to achieve your goal, become...
What Your Intuition is Trying to Tell You

What Your Intuition is Trying to Tell You

Can you remember a time when you were about to do something and you said to yourself…This doesn’t feel right…I knew that was going to happen….That person is going to crash and burn. Or you were thinking about an old friend from school or college, and that same day they call you? It’s not likely we read peoples minds or anything like that, we just know that feeling we get in out gut when something makes us feel uncomfortable or alerts us of a potential issue. When we were growing up our parents were always trying to keep us safe, offer us advice, keep us out of trouble. In our teen age years it was the advice of a close friend who always knew what was in our best interest, right??? Yet for most of us we never listen to that inner voice which is always there looking out for us. However there are other times when we just know it’s not a good idea to continue with: A new project or business venture An unstable relationship A large job promotion An investment When I began my journey within I was a bit unclear just how powerful this concept was. I read many books, listen to recordings, and watched many videos. One of the biggest challenges we are all faced with is, what your intuition trying to tell you? For most of us it is quite tricky to understand, on the outside we just want to make a quick decision and get on with it…But deep inside something is not quite right, which for most people is quite frustrating,...
How To Define Your Brand

How To Define Your Brand

When we think about branding most of us think about McDonald’s, Dunkin Donuts, The Home Depot, just to name a few. However there are other brands out there that we don’t think about, Old Spice (“The mark of a man) Fed Ex (“The world on time”) Ford Trucks ( “Built ford tough”).   Did you ever think about people could also be a brand??? Superman John Wayne Wonder Woman John Glenn James Bond Nelson Mandela Each has some sort of impact on our lives, perhaps when you were a child you watched superman and thought to yourself some day I’m going to be strong and fearless like him, or you might like the west and want to be like John Wayne who epitomized ruggedly individualistic masculinity. Or the fictional DC comic super hero heroine Wonder Woman. Have you ever thought about being an astronaut like John Glenn. How about the secret agent James Bond who always seemed to get out of a “tight spot” just in the nick of time. Maybe your passion is to lead people like the anti-apartheid activist Nelson Mandela. Needless to say we remember people for what value they add to our lives which leaves us with a memory of what they provided. Either way it is something you never forget. Of coarse famous people are that way because we see them on T.V. or in the movies, but each one of them started out somewhere ! You have a unique brand that’s within you just waiting to come out. I know what your thinking, Steve I don’t have a brand and I’m not famous....
“Self Help”

“Self Help”

There are many people attribute their success to what they read on a regular basis. However there are also people who have had no success! Why is that? We feed our bodies but what do we feed our minds with? Over the years I have read many books on “self help” which by the title should “help” you to be successful, right? Don’t get me wrong I am very grateful for what each author has written, and every book I have read has made a positive impact on my life. But somewhere along the line there is a missing piece to the puzzle. Why is it that two people can read the same book and have such a different result? One person reads a book and becomes wealthy, while another does not have success. Back in 2013 a friend of (we’ll call her Jane to keep her name private) mine was getting ready to retire she invested all her life earnings with a trusted investor, Jane was referred by a friend and felt she could rely on his decisions to handle the account. I can remember how excited she was to retire, and how she was going to travel. Perhaps start a business. A few months later I got a call from her telling me the man who invested her savings had disappeared, he was no where to be found, and so was the money. I can’t imagine how that must have felt. All those years of earnings disappeared! But instead of feeling sorry for herself she went out and turned her life around. Jane began reading self help...
“Value Creates Success”

“Value Creates Success”

What is the secret to success? How do wealthy people become wealthy? Business man and investor Warren Buffett demonstrated  his keen business abilities at an early age, by the age of 13 he was running his own business as a paper boy. In high school he and a friend invested 25 dollars in a pinball machine within months they sold their business for a profit of 1200.00 !! Over the years seems like every time you turn around you hear about another company he bought or invested in becomes profitable. At 86 years old, the “Oracle of Omaha” continues to work. Some people say everything he touches turned to gold! Ever wonder how he did that? Yes he was gifted with natural abilities. But so are you. Did you know you can earn as much as you want! So what is the secret? We are compensated in direct relation of the value we provide. Which means if you want to earn more you must become more. These words from Jim Rohn have helped me over the years, I use them on a daily basis: “To have more, simply have to become more.” “Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better.” “For things to change you have to change.” “We get paid for bringing value to the marketplace.” Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job. As you improve on your skills think about a way you can add value to the marketplace.   If you own a business look what your competition is providing their clients and provide better value for their investment. If...