Issues OR Gifts?

Issues OR Gifts?

Life is full of challenges, we are all at some point in our lives faced with problem which tend to come and go, however ever notice how some problems just don’t go away? Before you know it the problem is now a major issue? Sound familiar? Issues, problems and everyday challenges are a part of everyday life…But…Our problems were created by us. How large an issue is gets manifested by our internal thinking at which point the issues is presented. The longer a problem goes on unaddressed the worse the problem becomes. Although problems can show up in our lives most we create ourselves. Outside forces don’t control how we think we do, if our level of thinking is to remain the same issues will continue over and over again. A very small shift in how we think can resolve an issue. For example, can you think about a time in life when bad things happen over and over again? A decision was made…But was it the same decision as before? The car your driving is having issues and it is time to buy a different vehicle, you go to the dealership only to talked into a car your not quite sure of, you’re told it’s a very good deal, however after a couple of months you only end up with a car with more issues! At the grocery store shopping for food for the week you’re waiting in line at the deli, you have a sense there will be a long wait yet you grab a ticket and stand in line. 20 minutes later (or that’s what it...
The Secret Of A Long Relationship

The Secret Of A Long Relationship

Seems like relationships today have shifted a bit over the past decade or so. When I was a boy my mom and dad would spend time each day, usually at the dinner table, just talking to each other, with respect and love. No matter what the subject was the person listening always had a kind word of encouragement. Although there are many relationships which still communicate, yet there are as many that don’t communicate the way they did when first met. Think how a relationship starts, you meet that person who lights up your heart, everyday is a new surprise! We tell our friends how amazing they are and the exciting time spent together. Our partner is always on our mind, we do everything we can to make them feel special and loved…But…Over time…Could be a few months or a few years something changes we start to forget how that person made us feel. Not to mention how we tend to treat them as time drifts on. The law of familiarity takes effect. We’ve entered into a new phase in our relationships. One of decline. The spark which ignited the flame as since gone out. I met my wife in high school, we enjoyed spending time together doing the things we both enjoyed, as years went by we got married and had a family. After nearly 40 years we are still together and going strong. However as we look back on our friends from school the story is quite different. Most of our friends are divorced and re-married. Sometimes as we grow old we grow apart which causes friction...
Step Into The Future Leave The Past Behind

Step Into The Future Leave The Past Behind

It’s been said the past doesn’t equal the future. Well, for some the past offers a feeling of comfort which when you get right down to it, living in the past can hold you back from going forward. Personal growth is accomplished when we let go of old and embrace the new. Yet for some it is much more difficult to let go of difficult memories. Sometimes we tend to hang onto old memories as it offers us a feeling of comfort to know what to expect. In our core we link our emotions to the information at the time of an event. I can remember the day when my dad had a stroke, the day, month, year and the time I received a call from my wife. I was helping a friend at the time, standing in front of his house. The weather was warm and sunny with little wind. However if I think about where I was two days earlier I can hardly remember where I was or what the weather was. This is because I had no emotional tie to what I was doing just a few days earlier. Each time I meet Dan at his house I look out and remember that day. Is this memory going to help me move forward? Can thinking about that day going to allow me to feel happy when I visit my friend? Can you think of a time in your life when an event happened and is holding you back from growing and going forward in life? In order to go forward the first question we must ask...
Public Speaking…Relax Just be Yourself

Public Speaking…Relax Just be Yourself

When ever public speaking is brought into a conversation, we think about professionals, business, lectures, seminars, politicians, as well as anyone who is addressing a room full of people, but for most public speaking can be intimidating or even stressful. However did you realize whenever your engaged in conversation (even if just a simple hey what’s up) you are utilizing a natural skill we all have! In short public speaking is your ability to communicate with an audience. Provide information which pertains to a persons interests in a manor easily understood. It doesn’t matter if your speaking to a handful of people or a room full of people, the goal is to engage and connect with your audience. The subject matter must be explained in a manor which engages and peaks interest within your audience. Have you ever been to a seminar only to be disappointed the speaker was dry, boring, and emotionless? Did you remember the message which was being sent? Good public speaking is not related the type of business, product, or service being sold, it is a matter of whether or not a good connection is made to the audience and how effective the message is received on the other end. Public speaking is not limited to those people seeking to speak in large groups of people. You and I utilize this skill in our everyday lives, the quality of your life is directly related to the language which we use in everyday life! Getting a yes from another person is influence, when your ideal is communicated in a way that changes their thinking, the door...