

Have you ever tried to get someone to do something you wanted to do but no matter what you say or do the just seem to not listen ? Yet when someone you know tells you to do the same thing you just do it ? Why is that ?? At age 38 Charles Schwab was appointed the first president of the newly formed United States Steel Company in 1921, his salary was over a million dollars a year, that’s more than three thousand dollars a day ! Why ? Was he an expert in steel manufacturing? Did he have more knowledge than other people ? Charles Schwab had a special gift…he had an ability to deal with people… When asked how he was able to deal with people he said: “I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm among my people the greatest asset I possess, and the best that in a person is by appreciation and encouragement. There is nothing else that so kills the ambitions of a person as criticisms from superiors. I never criticize anyone. I believe in giving a person incentive to work. So I am anxious to praise but loath to find fault. If I like anything, I am hearty in my appreciation and lavish in my praise.” You might be in business or perhaps in you personal life, Getting people motivated to do what you want them to do can be a challenge, Instead of getting frustrated take a step back. Would getting angry get them excited ? or telling them to just do as I say ? Would that get you motivated...
“Five Little Habits”

“Five Little Habits”

This past week I met happy people everywhere I went… The grocery store The gas station Getting a coffee at Dunkin Donuts The hardware store The parking lot In the elevator At a meeting Walking around down town Buying a newspaper At lunch with a client Then it dawned I was getting what I was looking for…Over the years I have learned, what we focus on determines our daily habits. Yet for most people the focus for the day is, get up, get dressed, fight traffic to get to work, hurry all day to get the work done, fight traffic going home, eat dinner, looking back on the day grateful it’s over ! sound familiar ? Instead of being grateful another day of your life is over why not start each day being grateful for another day !! First Write 3 things you’re grateful for each day onto an index card, I now have literally hundreds of them, today I wrote: 1) Grateful for my life When I read this over and over again I never thought about how grateful I am to be here, After all these years I’ve been taking my life for granted…Although I can’t reverse sand upward in the hour-glass of life, from now on I will live this day as if it is my last. 2) Grateful for Sunrise This reminds me that every day is a new day, never will I be satisfied with yesterdays accomplishments, today the sunrise only happens once and with that all my efforts are focused on my tasks of today. 3) Grateful for yesterdays challenges As if I’m a...


I’ve been in the construction industry for over 30 years so I have a good understanding of the importance of tools  and when to use a proper tool for the job at hand. Let’s take a look at how fear, anger,hurt feelings, unworthiness and guilt can be tools ! “When we change the way we look at things the things we look at change” Can it be that simple ?? What do most people think about when confronted with their fears ? It’s been said you must”face your fears” however for most of us that’s a bit of a stretch, the uncertainty of what might happen if we face that which makes us uncomfortable keeps us from facing the issue. We must step outside of our comfort zone to be able to face any fear, which sounds simple yet for most people this comfort zone is where they spend the most time. In order to break away from what holds us back we need the proper “tool” for the job…“BUT” How can we utilize fear, anger, hurt feelings, unworthiness and guilt as tools ? Fear: Energy, Concentration, Focus… Anger: Keeps us on Track… Unworthiness: Keeps us on Track… Guilt: Validates good, know what to do.. Hurt Feelings: Remind us how much we care… Each day this week be the observer…Think…For most people there are one or two out of the five words that we should focus on, for me it was anger don’t get me wrong I’m not at all an angry person in fact over the past year I’ve become much more at ease with the little things...
” Successful People”

” Successful People”

What is the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people ? Are they born that way ? Did they get a better education ? Some say they are just lucky… Truth is most people that are successful didn’t start out that way, There is story after story of people all over the world that have overcome adverse conditions and become very wealthy. Born on January,29,1954 in Koscinsko Mississippi from an unmarried couple, she spent her first few years of her life on her grandmothers farm in rural Mississippi , when she turned 6 years old her grandmother fell ill and was forced to live with her mother in a Milwaukee boarding house where she was surrounded with extreme poverty, she endured years of sexual abuse and was raped at the age of 9 by her 19 year old cousin. At the age of 14 she went to live with her dad in Nashville Tennessee. This was when her life began a new course, A stable environment allowed her to thrive academically as well as socially at East Nashville High School, where she would discover her passion for media…Best known as…Opra Winfery. There are many commonalities among successful people however there are three key elements that are evident. Direction: Without direction you won’t know where you’re going…Each day is planned they have a sense of what tasks need to be completed and the order of importance, think of it this way, We all use a GPS at times to give us directions to get to a location, We know where we want to go however we don’t know which route...
Knowledge Does Not Apply Itself

Knowledge Does Not Apply Itself

If you are looking to earn more money and have more time for yourself  you may want to consider this quote from Jim Rohn “In order to have more, you need to become more.” We all have the natural ability to achieve more it’s in our DNA ! The challenge with most people is they go out in the world and “try” something new, fail, or get discouraged and just give up. They have very good intentions but fall short of the finish line, sound familiar? I read from, studied and modeled some of the most successful people I could find. Spent endless hours and thousands of dollars trying to figure out what was the key to success…Each had their own unique style, and systems. I’ve been told you learn what other people are doing and “model them”. Seems like a good idea right ? So out into the world I went…sometimes I had success, most times I would end up just getting frustrated… So how do successful people achieve success so effortlessly? I read what they read. I did the activities they did. I got the same amount of sleep they did. I eat the same foods they eat. Then I realized there is one “key” to all success ,which is our ability to focus on a specific thought and hold it there (we average 60,000-80,000 thoughts per day) don’t entertain any other thoughts, In today’s world of “instant gratification” we tend to hold onto only the thoughts that make us feel good at that second… I guess it’s not really our fault we’re programmed that way. Last...