

I’ve been in the construction industry for over 30 years so I have a good understanding of the importance of tools  and when to use a proper tool for the job at hand. Let’s take a look at how fear, anger,hurt feelings, unworthiness and guilt can be tools !


“When we change the way we look at things the things we look at change”


Can it be that simple ??

What do most people think about when confronted with their fears ? It’s been said you must”face your fears” however for most of us that’s a bit of a stretch, the uncertainty of what might happen if we face that which makes us uncomfortable keeps us from facing the issue.


We must step outside of our comfort zone to be able to face any fear, which sounds simple yet for most people this comfort zone is where they spend the most time. In order to break away from what holds us back we need the proper “tool” for the job…“BUT”


How can we utilize fear, anger, hurt feelings, unworthiness and guilt as tools ?


Energy, Concentration, Focus…



Keeps us on Track…



Keeps us on Track…



Validates good, know what to do..


Hurt Feelings:

Remind us how much we care…


Each day this week be the observer…Think…For most people there are one or two out of the five words that we should focus on, for me it was anger don’t get me wrong I’m not at all an angry person in fact over the past year I’ve become much more at ease with the little things that use to get me “pissed off” can you relate ??


Anger, fear, hurt feelings, unworthiness and guilt, are strong emotions, if we channel our energy on just one, you will have a better understanding on how to utilize these emotions as tools and create a positive outcome.

Being the observer can be very humbling. For me every time I felt a little angry I stopped and thought about how much energy I was wasting on being angry, I decided to channel it…direct it somewhere…why not toward something good…better yet why not direct it at my goals…Now that anger is like my best cordless drill with an endless power supply…


Commit to focusing on each one for a week at a time, with a little practice it gets easier,  like any “tool” learning how to use the tool is as important as the tool itself, It’s all about getting a little bit better each day, we all need a measurement of our success for this to be effective, so keep track of how you are doing at the end of the week. Write it down. A short pencil is better than a long memory.


If we continue to focus on fear, anger, hurt feelings, unworthiness, and guilt we stay in our comfort zone, wouldn’t the results be the same??


The only constant in life is change, sometimes bad ,sometimes good, you can’t control when bad things happen in life, but you can control the “meaning.” Use these five emotions as “tools” to help you move closer to achieving your goals !!

life goals

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