Reading Your Way To Success

Reading Your Way To Success

Not that long ago I was asked how successful people become so smart. How can one whom preforms below average in school become a millionaire yet a student in the same school who always had straight “A’s” graduates and goes onto college earns a degree and still doesn’t become wealthy. Could it be in the genetics? Or maybe they had poor leadership from their circle of influence. Truth is no matter who you are or what your background is, you can become wealthy as long as you… Success leaves us all clues, challenge is we sometimes ignore them. We have become a society of preoccupied citizens. Which means no matter where we are or what we’re doing we all choose to become people of a distracted society. Cell phones, text messaging and many other types of electronic distractions that put our focus on the wrong things. For the most part people we all desire to be healthy, eat right, get the right amount of sleep. Don’t forget some sort of physical activity to keep you in shape. All great ways to keep your edge. One area we could all use some help with is: Reading, we all do read, yet most think reading new books is boring or a waste of time. When in reality, books have a very unique way to keep our minds expanding no matter what the subject matter is. Books are more available now then ever before. Like health and diet we must be very aware of what we put in our bodies, if we put in garbage what do you think comes out? Now...
Your Dream Your Plan

Your Dream Your Plan

Although there are a few week until this year is over it’s not too early to start reflecting on how this past year went. If your like most people we tend to think about the past however we don’t review our plan and how we preformed. This is largely due to the fact we keep looking to next year for a better outcome which is good to look ahead with optimism yet we fall short when it comes to what we did in the past to get to where we are today. This week I sat in a meeting with a company I do business with. The purpose of the meeting was to determine what the goals were for 2019. What was interesting about our meeting was the detailed look at 2018, you’d think by looking where they ended up would allow a birds eye view into the future right? Often times it can when the company is growing and being profitable. On the other hand when the view is  negative you’d think the next year will be bad as well right? It is true if you continue to follow the same business model going forward as the past. The end result is the same. This pattern is the same for business as it is in our personal lives. As we age we develop a pattern, go to work come home, day in and day out, like a hamster on a wheel that goes round and round. For us to break the pattern we must change our approach to our every day lives, determine where we are and how...
Don’t Let Negative Thoughts Influence You

Don’t Let Negative Thoughts Influence You

We have all heard how think positive and your life will be better, yet we still let negative thoughts enter our minds through out the day. We all know not to fall into bad habits which pull us away from our destiny. The voice in our heads is always speaking whether we realize it or not. Why do we avoid actions which move us ahead in life at the same find time to spend on non essential actions, or negative behavior, bad habits or non successful things we know won’t help us improve. That voice inside that says, you don’t need to read that book tonight you worked hard all day you deserve to sit in front of the T.V. and relax tomorrow is another day. Truth is we’ve all experienced this issue at some point in our lives. That inner voice just won’t go away, in fact as years go on it becomes a dominate force in our thought pattern. If not addressed over time breaking bad habits becomes difficult. Instead of saying when you’re going to do a task you say I’ll get to it later, which we all know never comes. There is however a solution to quieting those voices, we must first slow down  and listen to the faint voice of success which resides in us all, although with any new challenge there is always a learning curve. As a weight lifter gains strength each time they work out our ability to develop a strong sense of positive thought is developed the more we listen. It has been said the voice of success is within...
What Is You’re Destination?

What Is You’re Destination?

At some point in life we’ve all wanted something, could have been when we were kids and wanted a new bike we’d imagine how it would look, the color and how we felt when we rode it. I can also remember a time when I was a kid thinking about going on a long trip around the world visiting new cities meeting people from different countries, not focusing on the details only the journey. It’s different for each and everyone of us, truth is we were setting a goal and didn’t know it. Today we still have the desire for more but tend to miss the opportunity as time goes by, not because we lost interest or changed our minds, we just didn’t set goals. Without goals were like a ship at sea with no final destination, just floating around each day, wishing something would change. Studies have shown people with written goals are much more successful than those who don’t have a written plan. There’s much information available for us today to develop good goals, yet most people spend more time planning a two week vacation then designing a life. Goals keep us inline with success, allow for improvement as well as provide a path for us to follow each day. There are essentially to types of goals short-term and long-term. Although achieving goals is important, completing each task along the way develops us into a stronger and more resilient person. We must first decide what it is we desire, determine who we are, where do you want to go and what do you want to do. Over...
Change your Seasons Change your Life

Change your Seasons Change your Life

Here in New England we have begun to enter the fall season, Labor day has come and gone, we can use this holiday to finish up an amazing summer of outside activities including swimming, boating, hiking, fishing, biking and many more fun things to due during the summer, although these activities are not completely over, however this time of year the weather changes very rapidly, for most of us vacations are over and it’s back to work doing what we do best. On Saturday I met a friend of mine on the road to a favorite lake we sometimes hang out at, he had his boat on the trailer and was putting it away for the winter! Imagine, second day of September and the boat is out for the next 8 months. When I asked why he removed so soon his answer was…Steve, in the past we’d leave the boat in the water for a few weeks after labor day with the intent of utilizing it a few more times, however that never happens and it only gets harder as the weeks go on, days get colder and days are much shorter, so labor day is the day it comes out…Besides we need to winterize it and get ready for the long cold winter. Life is that way also, change of seasons and patterns, it’s constantly pushing us or pulling us. the only constant in life is change. Our ability to recognize these patterns determines our quality of life. We can’t stop or control the change of seasons however we can stop the patterns in our lives. In winter...
How Self-Improvement Is The Greatest Gift You Can Give

How Self-Improvement Is The Greatest Gift You Can Give

From time to time I’m asked a question which the answer might surprise you. How can you help someone become better? Improve skills and be the very best they can be? Could it be training? Read more books? Take online classes on improvement? No question self development is a great way to improve ones skills. However If you’re looking to help a person succeed you might consider working on your own self development first. Think about  how valuable you’ll become once your skills improve. Imagine if your skills become 10 times better than they are now! Would your ability to lead by example help someone? You’ve been there and done that. A much easier model then just telling a person how to become successful. Have you ever been on a plane and noticed the instruction about the oxygen masks? It doesn’t say to help the person next to you firs, it states to put yours on first. How can you help a person if your not able to breathe? Same is true in real life, we must help ourselves improve before we begin to help another. In sports a valuable coach is one whom has been on the field playing the sport. In life same is true, a good doctor has made many diagnoses, an experienced sales person has been around the block sort of speak and has the ability to sell. An experienced person within their field is an asset to any company. In some sense I wish parents would take that same advice. You hear story after story of parents helping out their kid so they can...