How To Make Time For What Really Matters

How To Make Time For What Really Matters

Today we all have many extra hours each day to do the things we like to do without thinking about how much time it takes, Right? LOL…Seriously we’ve all been there done that, there’s never enough time to get those things done we need to get done. So much to focus on and little time to waste. Ever wish you could make a copy of yourself to things which you never seem to have time for? If your like most people your not alone, demands of this new society we all live in we’re pulled in many directions throughout the day it’s amazing any of us actually get anything done. Today the personal and professional demands we face have left most people with time challenges each day, most of which can increase stress levels and impact personal relationships in a way we don’t understand. When I was a boy my father worked a 9-5 job and my mother was a stay-at-home mom (one of the hardest jobs out there) back then I sort of took it for granted she would always be there for me and my brother when I got home from school. After school it was a snack then out to play, supper was at 6:00 pm with my dad, we always had supper as a family, and each of us discussed what happened that day. When supper was done it was time to do our homework, no T.V. until it was all complete. If there was time that night my brother and I play in the basement for a bit, then it was time to get...
Choose your Words Carefully

Choose your Words Carefully

It doesn’t matter which language you speak, words are one way we communicate our individual, thoughts, emotions, ideas as well as frustrations to get our point across or to get our way. No two people choose words the same way, there’s different meaning, or intention related to a persons state of mind when words are spoken. With 500,000 words available within the English language you’d think the average persons vocabulary would utilize a good portion of words right? However did you know most peoples “working vocabulary” consists of 2000?  What’s even more shocking is the average amount of frequently used words is between 200-300! Think about how many words you use during the day keep track, you’d be amazed how many words we actually speak each day. Today we’re all trying to get more done in less time, which is why for the most part people don’t focus on the size of their vocabulary they understand but the words they frequently use. Each one of tends to choose words which have may have a meaning that relates to a past  experience. The result can be the same words being used over and over again. Words we choose each day become our reality, they can express our emotions good or bad. Unconsciously we choose a word which expresses our emotion, this can have an effect on our internal biochemical response to that particular word. For example if when you become frustrated you say “I’m pissed off” you will only become increasingly more angry, if instead you replace a few words and say ‘I’m a bit peeved you’d have a different...
Feelings or Products Which one Matters ?

Feelings or Products Which one Matters ?

In business today it is a much more competitive market to sell products or services due to a broad range of resources available to utilize in the sales funnel. New services developed within the internet as well as social media have given the average person the ability to “sit home” and market a service and product while keeping a full time job, this includes leveraging tools which only a few years ago were not available to most businesses. The average consumer is aware of new methodologies that can lead them away from a product or service they like or feel comfortable with. This can develop into a lack of trust in the service or product for the consumer. Not that long ago the internet did not exist the selling process was done through either a phone call or direct communication with people. You were able to speak to a sales person which developed a level of trust, once established you were able to ask questions and get a response needed to make a decision to buy. That salesperson would carefully listen to your questions and would figure out how to match you up with the proper service or product. That’s not to say sales is not conducted in a similar matter today, in some cases it is, however if shopping on line it can be much different. You need to know what you want and select from choices, without the assistance of a live person (some online companies do offer live help) which can be a challenge if you need an immediate answer to a question. Online or in...
Walk Your Way To Fitness

Walk Your Way To Fitness

We’ve all heard the importance of exercise and the connection to a healthy lifespan, seems like every where you look these days there is an advertisement for a personal trainer or membership to a gym. Discounts and incentives for long term commitments can greatly reduce your monthly premiums as well as increase the level of resources you can have access to. Yet even with more bang-for-the-buck memberships, most people don’t take advantage of what there able to utilize whenever they go to the gym! Today we’re all working harder than ever, companies are implementing new policies which eliminate positions and add more and more tasks to less employees, the new motto in corporate America is a lean-work force. Some would say too much work and not enough people to help get things done. These new demands put pressure on employees to constantly be on their toes, however there’s nothing wrong with expecting a good day’s work out of a person, the issue is when too much work is expected on a daily basis, this leads to a burn-out situation. Needless to say when a hard day’s work is done one of the last things the average person thinks about is going to the gym…Yet one important element in life is the balance between work, family and keeping yourself healthy. Daily exercise  should be part of our routine, but for most there seems to be little if not anytime left at the end of the day to keep a proper routine. Some would say just “do-it” and get it over stop “thinking about it,” which can work for some people,...
The Power of Forgiveness

The Power of Forgiveness

To be truly free one must not let actions of an individual who’s intention is to do a wrongful action to you, become in control of your emotions by way of conscious and destructive behavior which disrupts your inner peace. To be free from thoughts of frustration and anger, we must be able to forgive. Peace cannot be found without forgiveness. It should be a daily behavior not occasional act, one must adopt forgiveness as a permanent attitude. In order to begin to forgive others we must first forgive ourselves. We live in an imperfect world full of challenges which can cause us to make a decision we might regret. Anger and frustration with a bad decision can lead to are ability to be a peace with ourselves unattainable. Energy one might have for another area in life becomes wasted on anger. Each day examples of forgiveness become lost in a sea of resentment. We are all leaders no matter where you are or what you do, everywhere you go your setting an example. Children learn not from what we say but from what we do. They see everything. Over time a habit is formed, imagine if that habit was one of forgiveness? or a lack of? Today you don’t have to look very far to see a lack of forgiveness in society, seems like there is a disconnect which is being passed on from generation to generation. Truth is you and I can make a difference, we can exercise examples of forgiveness every day! No matter what the current consciousness of society is it can be changed. But...