Feelings or Products Which one Matters ?

Feelings or Products Which one Matters ?

In business today it is a much more competitive market to sell products or services due to a broad range of resources available to utilize in the sales funnel. New services developed within the internet as well as social media have given the average person the ability to “sit home” and market a service and product while keeping a full time job, this includes leveraging tools which only a few years ago were not available to most businesses. The average consumer is aware of new methodologies that can lead them away from a product or service they like or feel comfortable with. This can develop into a lack of trust in the service or product for the consumer.


Not that long ago the internet did not exist the selling process was done through either a phone call or direct communication with people. You were able to speak to a sales person which developed a level of trust, once established you were able to ask questions and get a response needed to make a decision to buy. That salesperson would carefully listen to your questions and would figure out how to match you up with the proper service or product.


That’s not to say sales is not conducted in a similar matter today, in some cases it is, however if shopping on line it can be much different. You need to know what you want and select from choices, without the assistance of a live person (some online companies do offer live help) which can be a challenge if you need an immediate answer to a question. Online or in person the sales process of today is being streamlined for efficiency purposes, tight margins and rising overhead costs are choking profit margins to the point that companies are looking to add more work to less people in order to be competitive, sound familiar?


Needless to say the average consumer is faced with making a decision to buy with little resources, which for the most part is not always the best interest of the person making the purchase. Have you ever bought a product and were unhappy with it? Did you call the sales person that sold it to you? Or did you just send it back and get your money back?

Walking direction on asphalt

Truth is yes, you were able to obtain a refund and move on, but why did you return the product? If you made a purchase online did you fill out a survey? Did you have a list of reasons you choose from or did you write the reason? Was there a follow up with a live person? Were you able to make another purchase to satisfy your needs?


What gets overlooked is the main reason why people buy a product or service. Is it the need for a product? Sounds like simple answer right?


When we buy we actually buy the feeling not the product, what brand of clothes do you wear? what make and model car do you drive? although products as well as the reputation of the seller does matter so does the reason we buy, our decisions are made by what we feel, which could be the feeling of love, certainty, significance or contribution-this decision is the link between our true self as well as how we feel about those people we have in our circle of life.


We are all very unique, but we all share a need. Products are purchased to match our individual identity. When you look at what type of car someone buys and the color they choose it matches how it makes them feel. People but feelings not products.


This week take note, when you make a decision to purchase a service or product, think about what you need as well as how you will feel about your product. Even thought a live person may not always be available to assist you in the sales process, you can choose the right product the first time and be satisfied with your decision!


~Stay Strong~


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