Recurring Problems…No Problem!

Recurring Problems…No Problem!

We’ve all had problems throughout our lives, it’s inevitable, over the years they come and go but…Do they really go away?? Every once in a while a problem just seems to stick around, sound familiar? Challenge is can manifest into many different ways. Sometimes we tend to make problems much worse than they really are, we think about them over and over again day after day which leads to an endless and negative view of the issue and can last for years if you let it. Problems can turn destructive-personal relationships-work-or your overall quality of life! If left unchecked they can lead to anger as well as self-destructive behavior or even depression. But sometimes we think of our problems are “out of our control” some outside force is causing us to suffer…When in reality…If we were to change the way we think the issue would be resolved. Have you ever known someone who is always complaining about their job? Dislikes the boss or people who work there. It’s always someone else who is causing the problem. They frequently change companies seem happy for a few months, and before long tend to be in the same position even at their new place of employment! At some point there is a connection between which company they choose and their internal problems….Perhaps another way to look at this situation is…Everything happens for a reason and a purpose and it serves you. There is a lesson to be learned here, however failure to recognize this will only lead a prolong period time of frustration. It’s always easier to put the blame on on...
3 Steps to Build a Strong Team

3 Steps to Build a Strong Team

Have you ever wondered how some business seem to have just the right team? Their employees are a perfect fit for the position, each one takes ownership for there work, almost like no supervision is needed! So how do successful business connect with the right people? Building a successful team has always been and will always be an important element in any business. However it does not happen overnight, it takes patients, communication and effort. Yet most business fall short in basic team building fundamentals.Have you ever interviewed a potential employee who seemed like a perfect fit for the team? Their resume and prior work background looked lie a perfect fit (at least on paper) but once you hired them they turned  out to be a disaster? Sound familiar? Don’t worry it happens. However there are ways to improve the hiring process!Successful leaders know for their team to work congruently they must first identify an individuals skill set, from there each task they are assigned is within there current ability. There is nothing worse for their business then to assign a task which is over their head and expect a perfect result!Leaders know the importance of synergy within the organization, when they build their team they look for people who will work together. Success in business is a combination of efforts. People love to be a part of a winning team!Team work is powerful but often times overlooked, there are many way to leverage people within your organization and delegate tasks, however be aware of skill set as well as personalities, it’s important to keep all on the same...
Health or Wealth: Which one is Better?

Health or Wealth: Which one is Better?

Is health more important than wealth? Or is wealth more important than health? If you had to choose which one would be a priority for you? Today the trend in America is for people to work more hours than ever, on Tuesday I had a coffee with a friend of mine, over the years we’ve lost touch with each other. It’s always nice to kick back and connect with a good friend. Talking about our families and how fast our kids have grown! seems like yesterday when they were born, sound familiar? Both of us have had challenges over the years however it’s those dark day’s that have made us both stronger. His kids have moved out as have mine, just him and the wife. Although both our stories are similar there is one element which is completely different. When the topic of business came up we both agreed his philosophy and what I believed were not the same. I have always felt in the model of work-life-balance, don’t get me wrong you need to work hard to get ahead in today’s challenging work place however we need to work just as hard on keeping the balance in all areas in life. For my friend his belief is work is his priority, he’d work all day and into the night, he claims without money you can’t have anything!It’s no wonder he was on three types of blood pressure medication. Although I do not disagree with the importance of having extra money to afford a  good lifestyle, both of our families have brand new cars every 2-3 years, we take...
New Year New Life

New Year New Life

As the new year begins so does a new hope for an optimistic year ahead. We think about loosing weight after eating all those tasty foods during the holidays, our sights are all set for going to the gym and getting into shape! Right? The year starts out eating the right foods and keeping an eye on the scale however by spring our new diet begins to fall apart, those healthy meals are no longer a part of our daily routine. Sound familiar? While most of have good intentions, loose weight, save money, go to the gym, buy a new house…etc…etc…Why do most new years resolutions fail? Its easy to say…I’m going to the gym three days this week or I’m going to eat healthy this year. The challenge with that is when “life happens” our desire to continue with the resolution deteriorates before long we run out of gas… We are missing an important element which is the fuel to keep us going…Why… What is important to you? Although eating a balanced diet, exercise, saving money or buying a new house is all good goals, why is that important to you? remember when we were kids and our parents we always telling us you should be doing better in school or you should help more around the house! We always knew what our parents were telling us was in our best interest but there was always something else we wanted to do instead. Friends would show up at the door looking for us to go out and play, so off we went. Life was full of excitement! Let’s imagine...