Health or Wealth: Which one is Better?

Health or Wealth: Which one is Better?

Is health more important than wealth? Or is wealth more important than health?


If you had to choose which one would be a priority for you?


Today the trend in America is for people to work more hours than ever, on Tuesday I had a coffee with a friend of mine, over the years we’ve lost touch with each other. It’s always nice to kick back and connect with a good friend. Talking about our families and how fast our kids have grown! seems like yesterday when they were born, sound familiar? Both of us have had challenges over the years however it’s those dark day’s that have made us both stronger. His kids have moved out as have mine, just him and the wife. Although both our stories are similar there is one element which is completely different.


When the topic of business came up we both agreed his philosophy and what I believed were not the same. I have always felt in the model of work-life-balance, don’t get me wrong you need to work hard to get ahead in today’s challenging work place however we need to work just as hard on keeping the balance in all areas in life. For my friend his belief is work is his priority, he’d work all day and into the night, he claims without money you can’t have anything!It’s no wonder he was on three types of blood pressure medication.


Although I do not disagree with the importance of having extra money to afford a  good lifestyle, both of our families have brand new cars every 2-3 years, we take a vacation every year (I like to take off more time than he does) Our houses are in good neighborhoods and both of us enjoy taking our families out to a nice restaurant.


Wealth is a tool, we’ve all heard “money can’t buy you happiness.”


Same holds true for your health, without it you have nothing. Keeping your health on track is just as important as your financial health. Not enough rest every day can leave you fatigued later in the day, work performance can be impacted, that promotion you’ve been working toward could be in jeopardy! Or even worse a bad decision on a project could get you fired…Oh no…


Food is an element which sometimes gets little attention. The alarm clock goes off at 5:00 AM and out the door you go no breakfast there’s no time gotta get to work traffic is going to be heavy today. Lunchtime comes around but a project is due, a quick bite of…When evening rolls around it’s time for dinner, the challenge is we’re tired and don’t feel like cooking, so we assemble a quick meal! Sound a bit extreme? Not really you’d be surprised how many folks today are doing just that. Quick unhealthy meals with little rest between work days.


When we put fuel in our automobiles we look for a gas station, if we put bad fuel in the tank our cars would not operate, we’d be stuck on the side of the road. Fast foods are popular today it’s quick and easy and satisfies our hunger. The issue with most fast foods today is most do not contain enough essential vitamins and nutrients which help us survive and grow. A balanced diet is essential in maintaining a healthy weight, this is another element in maintaining overall health. Being overweight can lead to heart disease, certain types of cancer, stroke and type 2 diabetes, however like being overweight is unhealthy so is being underweight.


Nutritionists state the five main food groups which must be a part of our daily diet: whole grains, fruit and vegetables, protein, diary, and fat & sugar.


By monitoring what we eat our health becomes easier to manage. Being healthy will leave you with more energy to live a balanced life. With more energy daily tasks at work become less of an issue, you’ll become more focused. Perhaps that promotion is now a reality!


This week look at your financial health as well as your physical health. Is in balance? Are you working more hours than you should? Could you loose a few pounds?

Dollars, stethoscope, pills and cardiogram. Costs for the medical insurance.

Make this your best year ever

To your health and wealth

Don’t wait Begin today

~Stay Strong~


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