What You Know Can Benefit Others

What You Know Can Benefit Others

When we were kids we all had roll models, could have been a family member, friend, or a actor on T.V. They would wow us with what they knew and how people looked up to them. I can remember how fast my dad could add fractions in his head, it was amazing I always wanted to be like him when it came to numbers.

As we grew older we learned how to figure it out right? Well not exactly, truth is most of us learned went to the school of hard knocks! Yup…trial and error over and over again. In many ways each time we’d fail we grew stronger, obstructions became a part of our journey my dad would say you need to put in the time if you want the results, no one is going to hand it to you…

Although I knew my dad was right in many ways, one thing I did not always agree with. If you have solved a problem and have knowledge how to solve a problem share what you know with people. That’s not the same as doing it for them all you’d be doing is helping them along their journey. Some would say let them figure it out that’s how you become stronger, although our struggles do help us grow, so do completing a problem and rising above challenges.

There will come a day when we all need a hand to move ahead. Not everyday is going to be perfect, in fact some of us will even fail! People get discouraged when things don’t work out, if you know something which can help others share it with them. Imagine how much better the world would be if people didn’t get discouraged whenever something didn’t work as planned. Sharing can also bea book, article, video or any other form of information that cab benefit others.

The universe is an interesting place, when you give you receive, when you take, the universe takes from you, it’s just that way so be aware. Always look to serve the greater good it will come back to you many times over.

Thinks of it this way if you share what you know with 10 people you’ve shared 10 times your knowledge. Like repeating what you know over and over 10 times, you can only benefit from doing that!

If you have a full glass of water there is no way to add any more, but if you pour out some there’s room for water. Our minds work the same way. By letting out info your learning it over and over each time you share with other people, more info will come your way as put good in the world. Imagine the knowledge being shared the same way going forward as you shared, 10 times over and over again. If you do the math it’s quite humbling how much society could benefit from you.

We all have the capacity for more as long as we’re sending it forward, don’t be like some people who like to keep it all a secret, become a person who shares knowledge with other people, when you do you ability for personal growth expands.

As this year comes to a close, reflect on what you’ve learned as well as what you still need to learn. Become a teacher and a student. This world we live in needs more people like you and I. We have a unique look on live our ability to add value to the world can and will help change the world for the greater good.

Look into 2019 as if you’re there now, think about all the good you can do, know your not alone in your journey!

~Stay Strong~


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