New Year New Life

New Year New Life

As the new year begins so does a new hope for an optimistic year ahead. We think about loosing weight after eating all those tasty foods during the holidays, our sights are all set for going to the gym and getting into shape! Right? The year starts out eating the right foods and keeping an eye on the scale however by spring our new diet begins to fall apart, those healthy meals are no longer a part of our daily routine. Sound familiar?


While most of have good intentions, loose weight, save money, go to the gym, buy a new house…etc…etc…Why do most new years resolutions fail? Its easy to say…I’m going to the gym three days this week or I’m going to eat healthy this year. The challenge with that is when “life happens” our desire to continue with the resolution deteriorates before long we run out of gas…


We are missing an important element which is the fuel to keep us going…Why…


What is important to you?


Although eating a balanced diet, exercise, saving money or buying a new house is all good goals, why is that important to you? remember when we were kids and our parents we always telling us you should be doing better in school or you should help more around the house!


We always knew what our parents were telling us was in our best interest but there was always something else we wanted to do instead. Friends would show up at the door looking for us to go out and play, so off we went. Life was full of excitement!


Let’s imagine for a moment if that same excitement we felt when we were kids was linked to our new years resolutions, do you think you would keep them? If they were compelling and made us feel alive do you think we would have the stamina to complete them? Instead of just doing something we know we should do, change direction, stop making new years resolutions which don’t give you a burning desire. This is the year for you to shine, it’s your time.


The secret to success is progress, it doesn’t matter if it’s a new years resolution or a personal goal the fundamentals are the same. Progress equals happiness.


But first we must be clear on what it is we want, just getting something will never make you happy. What area of your life do you want to improve? write down what that is like now. Remember clarity is power so be specific. If you want to loose weight write down what weight you want to be and when, include your current weight. We all have habits some good some bad write down your current habits related to your current weight…be honest..What do you eat how much…etc…What is your vision for your new weight, do you want to look as good as you did in high school? be clear on what you want your body to look like. Like anything in life our habits determine where we are in life, if a new physical body is what you desire write down what you will do differently every day, be specific.


Old habits can be a challenge to change, but with daily action you will develop a new discipline which spills over into other areas in your life.

Positive reinforcement word Discipline engrained in a rock

Don’t let this year be like last year.

The saying Belive You Can and You're Halfway There on pieces of paper pinned to a bulletin board to symbolize belief, confidence, dedication and determination

This week grab a pen and paper, sit down in a quiet room. Look at where you are now and where you want to be a year from now. How would you feel if you achieve your goal next year? It’s possible if you believe there is a better life ahead.


This next year can be the best you’ve ever had

There are two pains in life

the pain of discipline or

the pain of regret

~Stay Strong~


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