Change your Seasons Change your Life

Change your Seasons Change your Life

Here in New England we have begun to enter the fall season, Labor day has come and gone, we can use this holiday to finish up an amazing summer of outside activities including swimming, boating, hiking, fishing, biking and many more fun things to due during the summer, although these activities are not completely over, however this time of year the weather changes very rapidly, for most of us vacations are over and it’s back to work doing what we do best.

On Saturday I met a friend of mine on the road to a favorite lake we sometimes hang out at, he had his boat on the trailer and was putting it away for the winter! Imagine, second day of September and the boat is out for the next 8 months. When I asked why he removed so soon his answer was…Steve, in the past we’d leave the boat in the water for a few weeks after labor day with the intent of utilizing it a few more times, however that never happens and it only gets harder as the weeks go on, days get colder and days are much shorter, so labor day is the day it comes out…Besides we need to winterize it and get ready for the long cold winter.

Life is that way also, change of seasons and patterns, it’s constantly pushing us or pulling us. the only constant in life is change. Our ability to recognize these patterns determines our quality of life.

We can’t stop or control the change of seasons however we can stop the patterns in our lives. In winter all life is waiting for spring. Wintertime here in the north east can be extreme, snowy days, temps down in negative numbers, last winter it got down to -28 below zero, it’s a challenge to think about warm days with a gentle breeze.

When life seems like one of those cold winters with no forecast for milder weather we become upset and at times frustrated. There are many winters, financial, economic as well as personal all can be a challenge to deal with. If you and I are ever going to get through tough times like that we must think about spring, truth is the only thing we can do is change ourselves.

Life can through many different types of conditions at us, each day can be full of new challenges and issues, we either learn to overcome these issues or they overcome us, which means each of doesn’t need less problems, we need more solutions!

We can’t change months on a calendar by simply tearing off that month and getting to a month we feel comfortable with. Winter is that time when change happens, our internal strength must be utilized to overcome challenging situations. We can become wiser, stronger and better, much like a plant in spring, we must grow and develop our skills. No matter what storm life sends our way, we can deal with it, sometimes even use tough situations for a learning experience and personal growth. Don’t worry how fast you grow become comfortable with forward motion every day. As long as we’re moving we’re growing.

Often times we let our humanness get in the way of growth. Winter will show up we can’t control that. Think about how to take control of the issue, the easy way out is not always the best way. Look for a mentor who has been in a similar situation as you. Model what they do.

Like a seasoned tradesman, look for tools to assist you in your journey. The universe rewards those who are willing to work for what they want.

This is your season for growth!

~Stay Strong~


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