The weather here continues to get colder with each passing day, The trees are becoming bear. It’s the time of year when any day now we could see snow falling..I can’t believe how fast this summer went by. Which made me think of last winter here in the north-east, seems like the snow just keptcoming.I spent more time shoveling snow than doing anything else…During the first week of February we had two back to back very powerful snowstorms, I started to ask my self is there a message here ? What am I supposed to learn from this?   The silence has a way of shouting to you, when we’re busy we don’t listen we just keep going…I thought about the past week and how grateful I am to be a part of this amazing journey. As the hours went by I thought less and less about the material things I want in my life and more and more about what would make me happy that day as the wind-driven snow sand blasted my face… All I could think about was finishing the shoveling and getting warm by the fire…With 2-3 hours of work left to finish I developed a clear mental picture of what That would look like in my mind every detail of what I was going to do when I got in the house , I felt the warmth of the fire the smell of dinner cooking on the stove I could hear the excitement of my dogs as I came into the house ,I could see what I was going to change into before I...