“Self Help”

“Self Help”
There are many people attribute their success to what they read on a regular basis. However there are also people who have had no success! Why is that?
We feed our bodies but what do we feed our minds with?
Over the years I have read many books on “self help” which by the title should “help” you to be successful, right?
Don’t get me wrong I am very grateful for what each author has written, and every book I have read has made a positive impact on my life.
But somewhere along the line there is a missing piece to the puzzle. Missing-PieceWhy is it that two people can read the same book and have such a different result?
One person reads a book and becomes wealthy, while another does not have success.
Back in 2013 a friend of (we’ll call her Jane to keep her name private) mine was getting ready to retire she invested all her life earnings with a trusted investor, Jane was referred by a friend and felt she could rely on his decisions to handle the account. I can remember how excited she was to retire, and how she was going to travel. Perhaps start a business.

Retirement Road Sign with blue sky and clouds.

A few months later I got a call from her telling me the man who invested her savings had disappeared, he was no where to be found, and so was the money.

I can’t imagine how that must have felt. All those years of earnings disappeared!
But instead of feeling sorry for herself she went out and turned her life around. Jane began reading self help books.
It wasn’t long she had rebuilt her savings and today is a wealthy person as a result.
Not long ago I met her for coffee and had to ask the question…So Jane, how did you earn all that money back in such a short period of time by just reading a book?
She said Steve…Most people think by just reading a book you become magically successful and wealthy, the secret is, each book only helps you if you take action and implement on a daily basis. If you just read a “self help” book and fail to take action what kind of results do you think you’ll have?
I made a decision that changed my life, I decided I would take a little action every day. It was a bit of a challenge for me at first but before long it got easier!
Jane gave me a piece of advice I’ll never forget:
“If we do what’s hard life will be easy, if we do what’s easy life will be hard.” imagesTake time to find a book you have interest in. When you read a chapter take notes to make sure you understand the highlights. Most importantly take action every day. With practice it will get easier, repetition is the mother of skill.

This is the secret to success!

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