What You Know Can Help Others

What You Know Can Help Others

Today if you’re looking for information the internet is a great place to start, there’s and endless supply of resources to obtain just about anything you can think of. With just a few key strokes a website is in front of you…But… Ever notice when you click on more info, a page comes up looking for you to enter an email or subscribe in order to gain access to the remainder of the info? There are fewer and fewer places to go where information is free.

For most of us we rely on the internet for a majority of what we “don’t know.” Not to say we are all looking for free info all the time, people need to earn a living also, however when someone shares their knowledge with the world many benefit from what is written. It can impact and change a person’s life for the good.

Don’t be afraid to share with others what you know, it can help make a difference. If what you know is helpful to one chances are it can help many, if you tell one person one time it is repeated only once, yet if you tell 12 people you’ll repeat it a dozen times, not only have you helped 12 people you’ve reviewed the info twelve more times!

This can have a unique impact in your personal life, there is power in giving. We sometimes forget giving does not always in the physical sense it can be sharing an idea or a helpful way to solve a problem. Imagine the impact if your helpful idea was transformed into something which impacts society in a big way, one idea can change a persons thoughts and could help them gain confidence, or become better at what they do.

We think in terms of ourselves in the sense that what we know is just that what we know. If our thought is to live within our own blue print. If an architect designs a building with one room and no plan to expand, how could a business grow with only one place to conduct business? There is no capacity to be a bigger company. If that same architect designs a building with a spare room with plans for expansion there will always be an opportunity for more.

You and I have much to give the world, when we give we receive. However we must be patient, today the world is programed to an instant gratification society. Slow down take a breath, our sharing of knowledge is what can help others, could be at the right time in life for them they could be inspired to take action which could transform not only their life but the life of many.

Life is an amazing gift from our creator, we were made to grow and share when we do our capacity for more expands, if we hold on to what we have that’s all we will be, when we think as one we stay where we are, sharing is more than just offering a bit of info, people who are unhappy have to think bigger. The capacity to give more is limitless. The universe rewards those who give.

Next time you see a person in need or struggling to solve an issue stop and think how you can assist, you could change their direction or inspire an idea of their own.

Most of all always be humble and kind. The world needs more people who help and serve the greater good. If you give happiness you’ll receive happiness, if you give knowledge you’ll receive knowledge. What you give the universe will reward you many times over. Your world will expand.

You’ll find your world bigger and more joyful each time you give of yourself!

~Stay Strong~


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