3 Simple Steps To Make The World A Better Place

3 Simple Steps To Make The World A Better Place

The world is full of beauty, amazing sunsets, mountains filled with flowers reaching up to the sky, the sound of oceans crashing on a shoreline can leave you speechless. Yet among all the glory and beauty in the world there are those people who spend their time looking for what’s wrong with the world instead of what’s right. However we should never turn our head on real life issues and walk away from issues which need to be addressed.


With all the uncertainty and negative issues we are faced with in the world today it’s a challenge to keep a positive attitude and move forward with the greater good. At times it can get discouraging and seem like you’re the only one who is working to make a difference, yet deep down in your soul you know there’s something you can do to give back to the world, but what can you do? people all around you seem like they don’t care so why should you? right? That couldn’t be further from the truth.


I believe people are basically good and do want to make a difference and give back to society. Truth is most people don’t know what to do as well as fear they will be looked at or laughed at!

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The universe gives what it gets. Meaning if you send out good the universe will send back the same. No action is wasted. Conversely if you send out bad energy the universe sends it back also. Like a drop of water which sends ripples through out. It starts out small but as time goes on it gets bigger and bigger. We must be aware no matter what the issue there is always a solution. We are all here for a reason and a purpose.


Which problem should be addressed first? hunger? poverty? homeless people? sick people? unhappy people? unemployed people? the list goes on and on. No matter how you look at it there are many people around us who need a little help to just get through the day. It’s easy to be busy with the distractions each day and ignore what’s going around you in your every day life. One day you’ll wake up and look up at the sky and realize how much time has gone by! Life is moving forward everyday. And so are we. Each day that goes buy we grow a day older, however we also become much wiser along the way.


So what can we do to make a difference and give back to the world?


Here are 3 simple steps you can make pert of your daily routine to make a difference in he world:

Develop an attitude of gratitude


It’s easy to take that which we have for granted. Instead think to yourself what do I have to be grateful for? It’s different for everybody but the same for all. List three things your grateful for and write them down, keep them with you where ever you go. As you remind yourself what you are grateful for you’ll develop a new attitude. People will take not with your positive outlook.

Don’t offer opinions


Instead begin a conversation by asking questions and listening. One of my mentors would say, Steve God gave you two ears and one mouth so you should listen twice as much as you speak. Never give an opinion. Be interested instead of interesting.


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When you smile something happens, people relate to what point you’re trying to get across, you begin to develop trust which can be very powerful. Everyone likes to be around happy and passionate people!

Although just three things listed here, but in life there are literally many ways to make a difference in the world. This week take note. Begin to adopt a new way of thinking as your day begins. Look for the good in everything…You’d be surprised what you’ll find!!

~Stay Strong~


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