Don’t Let Failure Hold You Back

Don’t Let Failure Hold You Back

We all set goals with good intentions of accomplishing each one, we’ve done all the research gathered required tools and resources, put the proper time aside each day like were told kept our minds focused on the result, however for some reason it just didn’t work out. We were so sure all the all the bases were covered and there was no way we were going to fail. Each task was methodically thought out, countless hours were spent each day yet things still did not work.

Truth is it is times like these when we need to be our own cheerleader. What we do next after a missed opportunity shapes our future. The easy way out would be to quit and walk away, go back to the life we were living before the decision was made to take a leap of faith. Each one of us knows that is not an option, quitting is a temporary solution to a permanent problem. We need to take responsibility for each situation which doesn’t work out, realize sometimes this just happens so be prepared and accept, move on, each missed goal is there to prepare you for the next one. We can learn from the past, however if we dwell in the past we’ll never move ahead. If things don’t work out the first time, stop, change something, reflect on mistakes you might have made along the way, they are there to teach you along the way, study them and move on.

Remember over time you’ll get better, a set back from time to time will only help you grow. Never get down on yourself, be careful which words as well as how you say them, words can build or destroy, so be careful.  You are the best coach you can ever have, encourage yourself, if you think someone will be there to lift you up when you are down, think again, you can only rely on you! At the end of the day you must have faith in yourself, your ability to overcome any obstacle which presents it’s self through out your life, each one of us needs to have an inner belief that no matter what the issue is there will be a positive result.

When an opportunity is missed don’t think of it as a set back instead think how you can encourage yourself to thunder back like a train rolling down the tracks moving to the next stop. Our goals are the same, when one door closes another opens, don’t stop, puck yourself up and keep moving. Of course it is a challenge but this is what makes you stronger, step out of your comfort zone.

It’s been said failure is a great place to start, your already at the lowest level there’s only one place to go and that’s up! This is where most people give up and regret it later in life. In the midst of a storm is where we find our greatest resolve, adversity is another level which discipline and determination is fuel for the fire. It is here in that moment when you say to yourself that’s it I’m taking control of this situation and I’m never going to be here ever again, That saying…I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired, the time is now for me to change my life.

Don’t let failure hold you back. Our greatest gift is one of inspiration, and faith. New opportunities will present themselves when determination is fueled by faith, you’ve made the decision to get up off the ground and hit the road running, never to look back, your sights are set on the next mountain to climb and the next challenge ahead.

Be encouraged the future is in your hands!

 ~Stay Strong~



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