The Power of Forgiveness

The Power of Forgiveness

To be truly free one must not let actions of an individual who’s intention is to do a wrongful action to you, become in control of your emotions by way of conscious and destructive behavior which disrupts your inner peace. To be free from thoughts of frustration and anger, we must be able to forgive. Peace cannot be found without forgiveness. It should be a daily behavior not occasional act, one must adopt forgiveness as a permanent attitude. In order to begin to forgive others we must first forgive ourselves. We live in an imperfect world full of challenges which can cause us to make a decision we might regret. Anger and frustration with a bad decision can lead to are ability to be a peace with ourselves unattainable. Energy one might have for another area in life becomes wasted on anger. Each day examples of forgiveness become lost in a sea of resentment. We are all leaders no matter where you are or what you do, everywhere you go your setting an example. Children learn not from what we say but from what we do. They see everything. Over time a habit is formed, imagine if that habit was one of forgiveness? or a lack of? Today you don’t have to look very far to see a lack of forgiveness in society, seems like there is a disconnect which is being passed on from generation to generation. Truth is you and I can make a difference, we can exercise examples of forgiveness every day! No matter what the current consciousness of society is it can be changed. But...
Out With The Old in With The New

Out With The Old in With The New

Today we live in a society of instant gratification, if there is a way to feel better have less stress without doing something which consumes time, doesn’t that sound good!! Truth is a majority of the population these days would agree with that statement. It is the “New-Norm” whereas no matter what happens in your life there is a quick solution, a “Magic Pill” which can “Fix-It-All.” Remember when you were a child and your parents told you to eat your vegetables? They always reminded you how important that was for your health. Not to mention the importance of a well balanced diet. For me, somehow I always wanted to have a nice desert more than my vegetables, sound familiar? As we became older we learned just how important it is to have a proper balanced diet, along with exercise to keep our heart healthy. I have to confess though a nice bowl of ice cream is still not totally out of my diet. Like with anything in life as long as it is not in excess it is OK, at least that’s what my doctor says! Did you ever consider what type of information you feed your mind with can have an impact in your current health? Ever watch a movie and cry at the end? Eat too much food and feel tired? Listen to a song and remember how it made you feel? Smell smoke from a camp fire? Go to the beach and feel the sand between your toes? Do you remember when you were happy or sad? Our minds are like a computer, information is...
The Power of Gratitude

The Power of Gratitude

Did you know there is a way you can feel healthier, happier and have more energy with out spending any money, taking medication, or changing your diet! Sound too good to be true ?? If this was true would you like to learn how? Fact is it this is one hundred percent true.  Each one of us has the ability to feel healthier, happier as well as have more energy. There is no “Secret Formula” or “Magic Potion.” However it is a choice. Science tells us that an “Attitude of Gratitude” can have a positive impact on our health. Remember when the last time you were grateful for something? Didn’t you feel more optimistic? Relaxed, happy, and joyful. Imagine if you could feel that way on demand every day! Gratitude can help you in many ways: Relationships   The one thing we all strive for is a meaningful relationship with our spouse or partner, sometimes we forget to tell them how much they mean to us. Or forget to tell them thank you. When we were younger our parents always taught us to say thank you, be grateful for what you have! I can still hear my mothers words. Let those people know how important they are to you, tell them how much you love them! The universal laws which surround the energy we expand always come back us. In life we get what we give, if it’s love you seek then send it out into the universe. State of Mind We live in an instant gratification society, information is streaming every where you look these days. I was...
How to Get From Low Tide to High Tide

How to Get From Low Tide to High Tide

We have all heard and read about people who have been on top of the world living a life style you can imagine in your dreams, yet seems like overnight they are completely broke. There are so many stories of amazing people who were “set for life” one day and living in the streets weeks later. Some get discouraged and give up never to regain their wealth, but some get back on their feet and become even more wealthy. How is that possible? Did they have better luck? Did someone give them money? Truth is, there is something within all of us that keeps us from living up to our full potential. Yes, fear is always available for us to focus on. Loosing it all can keep you living in fear and not finding that inner strength, that true spirit we are all born with. When was the last time you sat quiet for 10 minutes without listen to music or looking at your cell phone? There is a higher level of consciousness that can be obtained with just a few minutes of peace each day. Often times when we loose something there is always something we receive in return. The trouble is we let our humanness get in the way to receive! Unfortunately, it takes a major loss or tragedy for most people to become motivated to change, however it doesn’t have to be that way you have the ability to change your circumstances, just by releasing the real you…your true authentic self ! We can’t control when bad things happen but we can change the meaning. When...
Be Careful Who You Spend The Most Time With

Be Careful Who You Spend The Most Time With

When you were younger did your parents ever ask you who your friends were? At the time we might have thought they were just trying to tell you who you should hang around with. Truth is it didn’t matter to us who our friends were our friends and we enjoyed playing and having fun, little did we know the importance of what our parents were trying to actually tell us… We tend to hang around people which have the same interests as we do. Watching the same television shows or movies. Eat same foods. Dress in the same style clothes. Have similar habits. We like people that are like us! When my son was younger his friends would hang out at our house, we were the community hang out for the kids. They all got along and did the things you would expect kids to do living in the country. Riding and fixing bikes. ( who could ride on one wheel the longest)                                                                                      Listening to music.     Talking on the phone.   Exploring in the woods. Gathering and splitting fire wood. Always looking for that next adventure. You never quite knew what they were going to do next! As the years went by one of my sons friends stopped hanging around our house, I asked him where he was… “He is in with the wrong crowd dad I don’t want to be around those kind of people” The old story good kid hanging with the wrong crowd.   Today that same principle applies to us all, however we are much more aware of the company we keep,...
“Pain and Pleasure”

“Pain and Pleasure”

Did you know pain can be a bigger motivator than pleasure? At any moment in our lives the reality we live is directly related to what we focus on, our desire to avoid pain and our need to gain pleasure. So how do we use pain as a motivator? Have you ever decided you wanted to go on a diet? I think we all have at one point in our lives. Ever notice how that favorite food you like looks better than ever? You say to yourself…Well I’ll just have a little piece it wont hurt me I’ve been good this week! Doesn’t it taste good when we eat it! We have instant pleasure and forget about our diet. Remember other times when that favorite food looks good but you don’t eat it! Why is that? In our mind there is something we are looking to do by loosing  that weight, it could be you want to look good for that dance you’re going to next month or spring is coming and you want to look good in your bathing suit. Or your going to that high school reunion and you want to look good! Bottom line, it is what we link pain and pleasure to which creates our current reality. Truth is what is real for us at that moment in time. We must use pain and pleasure before pain and pleasure us. If we can do that we are in control of our life, if we don’t pain and pleasure will control our life. This week use your mental focus and change how you feel about any...