How to Get From Low Tide to High Tide

How to Get From Low Tide to High Tide

We have all heard and read about people who have been on top of the world living a life style you can imagine in your dreams, yet seems like overnight they are completely broke.


There are so many stories of amazing people who were “set for life” one day and living in the streets weeks later. Some get discouraged and give up never to regain their wealth, but some get back on their feet and become even more wealthy.images

How is that possible?
Did they have better luck?
Did someone give them money?
Truth is, there is something within all of us that keeps us from living up to our full potential. Yes, fear is always available for us to focus on. Loosing it all can keep you living in fear and not finding that inner strength, that true spirit we are all born with.
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When was the last time you sat quiet for 10 minutes without listen to music or looking at your cell phone?
There is a higher level of consciousness that can be obtained with just a few minutes of peace each day.

Often times when we loose something there is always something we receive in return. The trouble is we let our humanness get in the way to receive!


Unfortunately, it takes a major loss or tragedy for most people to become motivated to change, however it doesn’t have to be that way you have the ability to change your circumstances, just by releasing the real you…your true authentic self !
We can’t control when bad things happen but we can change the meaning. When conditions change which cause us to suffer and leaves us with that feeling of discomfort. It is important to understand that this happens to everyone your not alone.
Life is like the ocean, sometimes it’s low tide and where life is calm, then when we least expect it the waves of uncertainty begin to change the tide of our internal landscape. Our ability to watch the tide rise and determine what the message is within each wave of uncertainty which will give us the motivation to not just sit back and feel sorry for ourselves, but to take each wave as a way to learn from our failures because in each failure there is a pathway to success.
There will always be low tides and high tides in life, However you can keep the waters calm.
Instead of getting frustrated:

Ask yourself what’s great about that challenge?

What can you learn from it?

What is the message here?  

By asking better questions you’ll receive better answers.
Your life can be anything you choose it to be!
~Stay Strong~
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