The Power of Gratitude

The Power of Gratitude

Did you know there is a way you can feel healthier, happier and have more energy with out spending any money, taking medication, or changing your diet! Sound too good to be true ??


If this was true would you like to learn how? learn

Fact is it this is one hundred percent true.  Each one of us has the ability to feel healthier, happier as well as have more energy. There is no “Secret Formula” or “Magic Potion.” However it is a choice. Science tells us that an “Attitude of Gratitude” can have a positive impact on our health. Remember when the last time you were grateful for something? Didn’t you feel more optimistic? Relaxed, happy, and joyful. Imagine if you could feel that way on demand every day!


Gratitude can help you in many ways:




The one thing we all strive for is a meaningful relationship with our spouse or partner, sometimes we forget to tell them how much they mean to us. Or forget to tell them thank you. When we were younger our parents always taught us to say thank you, be grateful for what you have! I can still hear my mothers words. Let those people know how important they are to you, tell them how much you love them! The universal laws which surround the energy we expand always come back us. In life we get what we give, if it’s love you seek then send it out into the universe.

State of Mind


We live in an instant gratification society, information is streaming every where you look these days. I was at the gas station last night, as I grabbed the gas pump right in my eyes was a T.V. with news, weather, commercials, all playing over and over again. Nothing but bad news with each new heading. Not to mention all the adds on how to improve your life, buy this and buy that, makes you wonder. If it is negative information we feed our mind, it will be negative going out, hence that old saying “Garbage in Garbage Out.” Notice where your state of mind drifts to during the day, it can be challenging to be grateful if your mind is always focusing on the negative!! Guard those thoughts. Be grateful for what you have in your life.



With the rising cost of health care it is important to manage your health. when we get  angry our blood pressure and stress levels increase, this puts pressure on the heart and can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Be aware of situations which make you feel stressed or uncomfortable, don’t be quick to ” Give an Opinion.”  If the person receiving doesn’t agree with what you are telling them you could end up in an argument. Become the observer. Look at what the problem is and ask yourself what’s the message here? What can I learn from it? What can I do to make this situation better! Rainy days help us to be grateful for the sunshine!



      So how do you develop a sense of gratitude everyday?

Is being grateful a choice?

Truth is it’s a change in our daily habits.

Begin each day with the following:

Set aside 10 minutes in the morning, a quiet place where you won’t be distracted.

  1. Think of three things you are grateful for today, write them down on an index card.
  2. Read the cards one at a time pausing in between thinking about how grateful you are.
  3. Close your eyes and send blessings to people in your life.      

Gratitude is a choice, and a habit. By being grateful for people, situations and challenges which appear in our lives we attract positive results!


Begin with three things you are grateful for add as many as you like!

Before long it will be part of your daily routine!

~Stay Strong ~

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