Out With The Old in With The New

Out With The Old in With The New

Today we live in a society of instant gratification, if there is a way to feel better have less stress without doing something which consumes time, doesn’t that sound good!!


Truth is a majority of the population these days would agree with that statement. It is the “New-Norm” whereas no matter what happens in your life there is a quick solution, a “Magic Pill” which can “Fix-It-All.”

Blue and red capsules isolated on a white background

Remember when you were a child and your parents told you to eat your vegetables? They always reminded you how important that was for your health. Not to mention the importance of a well balanced diet. For me, somehow I always wanted to have a nice desert more than my vegetables, sound familiar?


As we became older we learned just how important it is to have a proper balanced diet, along with exercise to keep our heart healthy. I have to confess though a nice bowl of ice cream is still not totally out of my diet. Like with anything in life as long as it is not in excess it is OK, at least that’s what my doctor says!


Did you ever consider what type of information you feed your mind with can have an impact in your current health?

Ever watch a movie and cry at the end?

Eat too much food and feel tired?

Listen to a song and remember how it made you feel?

Smell smoke from a camp fire?

Go to the beach and feel the sand between your toes?

Do you remember when you were happy or sad?

Our minds are like a computer, information is put in and a response is released. However if the information which is transmitted into the mind is always negative, what do you think will come out the other end?


Just like when we were kids and our parents were always reminding us the importance of a proper physical diet, the mental diet we feed ourselves each day is just as if not more important as the food we feed our physical bodies with!

Life is full of ups and downs, most often when we least expect them. There is not anything you can do to change when challenges present themselves, it is just the way life is sometimes. However we can change how we feel about a situation what it means and what we can do when the storms of life happen.


It is easy to get angry when something doesn’t go the way we want, or we become negative and our self talk become the only voice we hear. Don’t worry your not alone we all go through that,   we’ve been programmed that way.

There is another way to cope with life’s challenges.

~It is a change in our mental diet~

Out With the Old in With The New.


Out are the negative words and frustrated thoughts, in with the new empowering positive thoughts. It’s been said you attract that which you focus on. So be careful what you focus on every day.

For the next 5 days don’t think of or say to yourself anything negative, that means when ever you have a bad thought for more than a few minutes replace it with a empowering thought! Yes it can be a challenge changing your thought patterns, however stay with it. When an issue presents itself instead of thinking about the problem immediately think of a solutions!  Ask yourself a question…If a good question is imputed into our subconscious then a good answer will come out! Same is true if we ask a lousy question the answer will not be what we are looking for.


If you find yourself thinking or saying a negative thought, start the diet over. Begin again, (first time I went through this exercise I started over within the first day) for the next 5 days don’t think or say anything negative.

Even with all that effort, there are times it seems like no matter what you try to focus on your mind still is thinking negative thoughts. Don’t get discouraged, thee are a couple of tools you can use to keep your self on track:


This week when issues present themselves, instead of getting angry or frustrated, ask questions?

What’s great about this?

What can I learn from this?

What’s the message here?

Over the next week you will develop a new habit, notice when negative thought begins to enter your mind, be the gate keeper of your mind, control what enters and what leaves. Don’t get discouraged if you need to restart your diet, don’t worry, no one is perfect. By holding yourself accountable, you will develop confidence.


You will feel more energetic, happier, healthier, and relaxed!

~Stay Strong~
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