How To Make Your Imagination A Reality

How To Make Your Imagination A Reality

Have you ever wondered what makes one person take action and another to procrastinate? Is it experience? Training? Or do they have a gift? Seems like a complicated answer, however when you break it down the truth is a matter of whether you have a strong belief the action taken will lead to the desired result.

Businessman tenacity

For most people action is only a reality when a result is a certainty, which most of the time can lead to…Just thinking about what to do. A thought of doubt is present, however all is required is a little faith to see action through. The maybe voices begin to circle around your mind over and over again leading to a less than perfect effort. Our heart and soul is missing and so is our ability to focus energy in areas needing attention.


The key is to see that which you wish to accomplish already complete in your mind. Regardless of what is happening in the external world and detaching from results. Visualization is a powerful tool in developing a strong belief system. Create as many details of what you wish to complete as feasible. This is one step most people overlook, It’s not talked about much within the masses.


When I was in high school I played many sports, in winter it was hockey, spring is when track and field would begin, summer was baseball. Of all the sports I always looked forward to track and field. Our coach was amazing, he would always encourage us to push harder. I was not that good at long distance runs, the 100 yard dash was one I liked the best. One day we were all talking in the gym discussing how fast we could run a mile in.


For most of us on the team a 4 minute mile was impossible and we were letting all know how hard it was for us…When coach heard this he’d told of a story of a guy named Roger Bannister who broke the 4 minute mile. In those days no one believed a person could run a mile in 4 minutes, but not Roger, heĀ  knew inside he could do it, there was no doubt it could be done, he’d seen himself running and running over and over again in his mind with as many details of how he was going to break the record.


Then one day that’s just what he did. Not long after he broke the 4 minute mile others follow in his footsteps. If we can believe it we will take the action and be less likely to not give a 100 percent. Internal belief systems limit us to our true potential. Out toxic thoughts can hold us back, help create excuses as to why more action is not necessary. Beliefs control action.


So how can we develop a strong belief system capable of sustaining lasting change? The answer is as simple as using your imagination like we did when we were a child. The power of visualization is underestimated, allowing out mind to see as many details of our goal is what gives fuel to the fire. See as many details as you can, If your tired and unable to focus take note, change what you’re currently doing!


Find a time during the day when there are no distractions, think about each step, put the details on a index card, carry it around with you each day. Don’t worry as to how your going to accomplish the goal. Just believe. What you focus on is what you’ll become so be careful on what you think. Don’t waste thought on areas of doubt, just be clear on what it is you want. The universe will provide you with all you’ll need.


Notice areas which could use improvement, see yourself spending time each day to improve, before long you will become an expert on visualization. Then replay it over and over again, feel yourself being confident.

Write out a plan of action, keep a copy with you each day, read it out loud 3-4 times a day

Eliminate negative feelings and emotions

You’ll see a side of yourself

You can believe !

~Stay Strong~


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