How To Manage Stress At Work

How To Manage Stress At Work

 In today’s world we are all faced with a changing work place, corporate structures are much different then they were only a few years ago. The demands on employees can be overwhelming and at times unrealistic yet most people ignore one of the most important person in their lives…You…Although we must stay focused on our work and be at our best, however we must not forget to take care of ourselves.


Yesterday I had lunch with a friend, our conversation revolved around work…Yikes…Not about family or what’s new in his life…All about “The Job.”We’ve been friends for years so I just let him speak, the company is in the middle of restructuring (sound familiar) and changing the departments scope of work.


Mike is an engineer he has been doing this work for most of his life, designing, development as well as working with actual field conditions. But the company has changed their philosophy, instead of a design team working with sales, Mike’s new job is to combine sales with design, this is to keep all designers on track and complete projects within estimated time frame. It’s understood all work needs to be completed in a set time frame, however Mike has never worked in sales and knows little about estimating a job.


To say the least Mike is stressed out working long hours with little time off. Although my friends story is unique, most people you talk to these days are in a similar position at the workplace.


Stress at the work place can reduce the chances for your success. Business as we know it is changed, in order for companies to show profits and be competitive employees are working harder than ever. Some ask for feedback to make the work place better, however the bottom line must be achieved.


The good news is you can take control of stress at work, it begins with…You…Take control of your health, eat a balanced diet, limit the amount of caffeine each day, make sure your getting enough sleep, notice bad or negative behaviors which contribute to your stress. We attract to what we focus on so be aware of what you focus on.


At work begin to communicate with coworkers, identify priorities each day, don’t guess what needs to be completed…Own it…It’s better to be proactive then reactive, take control of the situation don’t let things get out of hand.

Blurred text with a focus on communication

You must manage your time, it’s easy to say yes and take on more tasks, analyze what needs to be done each day, write down all the items in order, leave yourself 15 minutes before you begin your work and 15 minutes at the end of the day, that way you can have a cushion should something unforeseen arise. Be SMART with your list

Specific: Identify each task which needs to be completed don’t guess. Clarity is power.

Measurable: A measurement is what allows feed back to know when a goal is complete.

Achievable: Is this task possible? Can it be done in your estimated time frame?

Realistic: With your current work load can you accomplish these tasks?

Timely: Current time frame which you believe each task is to be completed.

It is best to work on items of difficulty at the start of the day when your mind is at it’s best. Next work through your list as written. Allow yourself to take frequent breaks through out the day, that way your mind will stay fresh and focused. If you and I are to always be at our best we must manages what we can control.

Writing list

We shape our reality each day, although work consumes a major part of our lives it should not be stressful. The author of your book is you and you only external forces only are that external. We must manage our emotional state for us to be successful in life. Begin today and take back your life.

Begin to write your own life’s story!

~Stay Strong~

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