How To Keep Growing You’re Customer Base

How To Keep Growing You’re Customer Base

If your like most business owners, lead generation can consume a large chunk of your budget. Today it seems like the world is turning at the speed of light…New methods to increase the amount of people on your list is common language in most marketing campaigns. Have you ever got an email which states for a small monthly fee you can learn how to add hundreds of new subscribers to your list each month.


Or you receive an email prompting you to take a quick survey and in return you’ll get free products…When in reality they are marketing to you, learning what products suit your needs then email you deal after deal, if you act now you’ll receive free shipping! Each company has it’s own unique marketing strategy, including getting you on a list then sending you useful information in return. There’s nothing wrong with receiving information to enhance your life style.

The word Survey in cut out magazine letters pinned to a cork notice board. Surveys are essential for feedback in politics and business.


One of the challenges with some marketing can be when the information sent has no relevance in your life style and borders on spam. At that point most people either delete or ignore the info.

Delete Key on a Computer Keyboard

In any business lead generation takes the drivers seat. It’s about assembling a customer base which is essential if you want to grow a business, we’ve all heard that old saying, if your not growing your dying. There is little loyalty today, information is sent to an email, read and a decision is made, some say you have less than five seconds to get someones attention before they hit the delete button…This makes marketing all the more challenging.


So what can you do to keep growing your customer base and not have people opting out from your list?


Learn what your customers want…Not everyone needs and wants the same things, get to know your people develop surveys which ask questions which can allow you some insight into what they feel is important in their life. There’s nothing worse than sending out thousands of emails that either don’t get opened or get deleted. Find out what they need, communicate you understand, send value, it’s better to under promise and over deliver than to send information that has no impact in your customers life.


Check their temperature…Determine the serious customers from the tire kickers, they can drain you of your energy, so do your homework. Fine tune your approach, develop a daily action plan including a goal to achieve each day. Always look for a way to increase the value you are sending to your customers. People like to buy and not sold, so be careful with pushy campaigns.


Once it’s determined which leads are qualified leads you must begin to set a benchmark and begin to guide them down the sales funnel. With a little more work you’ll be able to lead them to a sale, as a business owner each sale must be dealt with properly, never take a sale for granted, the sales transaction in complete, now it’s time to go to work providing an experience others have not provided.


One of my mentors told me the easiest sale is “back door sales” which is when your current customers have been buying services and products from you and you’ve developed a level of trust, at that point what ever you have to sell them in a much easier sale then the first sale. Keep in mind the fortune is in the follow up, keep in touch with your customer base long after a sale has been completed.


People’s life styles change as well as what is needed in their life, you never know when a sale could be made. Most importantly, be honest and have integrity, never make false claims about what your products or services can provide.

Treat your current customers like your new customers and you’ll have a happy client base to work with for a long time!

~Stay Strong~


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