New Year New Health

New Year New Health

The new year is underway with many of us wondering what the year will bring, like most people health is or should be a number one priority, nothing else matters if your health is poor. All the money in the world can’t make a difference if health related illnesses plague your daily life. The good news is we can improve our chances of health issues with daily exercise, although most of us have less time these days to include some sort of fitness in our schedules there are many ways to take control and improve our condition.


If you ask most people what there number one New Year’s resolution was for 2017 you’d be surprised how many said health-fitness. January and February are the busiest months in any gym as the months go by more and more people don’t continue to make it there, changing habits and routine is a challenge keeping a positive outlook on just making it to the gym requires discipline.

Positive reinforcement word Discipline engrained in a rock

Without question proper exercise plays a role in prevention as well as treatment of many types of diseases which can appear through out our bodies. Studies have shown weekly exercise reduces your chances of heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes. Cancer rates are impacted by exercise. With rising costs of health care we all need to include some sort of fitness in our life style. Before you do begin any fitness program be sure to consult with your doctor.


So what type of fitness program is best? Running, walking, crossfit, yoga, zumba, cardiovascular/aerobic, anaerobic, insanity, couch to 5k, p90x, planking, soulcycle, kettlebell, weights…etc…etc…When you look at what is out there today it is overwhelming, which one should you choose? Truth is the most effective program is one which you consistently utilize each week. There is no single solution to choose from. They all get your body moving.


We all have daily issues with finding the time to workout, however it’s not difficult if we break it down to bite size pieces. This can be as simple as taking the dog for a walk instead of just letting him or her out in the yard, instead of using the elevator at work take the stairs. If possible get off at a bus stop a block from your destination. Use a standing desk at work, I have used one myself from time to time and have found it helpful. Change up your routine make it fun! Exercise doesn’t have to be a chore.

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Although working out at home is convenient it also lacks social interaction. Best way to keep moving forward is to have a partner, if walking is your routine find a friend to walk with you. If you go to the gym find a partner with the same goals. You could join a group of people and participate in a fitness class. There are many benefits from working out with other people around you. They can inspire and encourage you to give your best during a workout.


Find a way to make it fun, chances are if you don’t like the type of program your involved in you’ll not stay with it. Try something upbeat that keeps moving. With the advances in technology today there are many ways to use music as inspiration. Listening to a favorite song during a workout can be very beneficial. Location is also important if choosing a gym consider where it is and how long it will take you to get there. Your more likely to go if it is in a location that’s not too far away.


Reward yourself, changing behavior is never easy so take time to look at your accomplishments. Being in control of your health allows you to be better at everything you do. Make this year the best one yet!

~Stay Strong~


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