
Imagine for a moment you are a lawyer in a court of law. You have been called on as a witness, the lawyer for the prosecution is attempting to convince the jury that you are a credible witness. What do you think he or she will try to prove?
You are an honest person with good intentions and you would not lie. You don’t have a “hidden agenda” which would sway your testimony.
You have the knowledge and expertise in the area that you are called to testify. Most importantly that you have a good track record and have demonstrated in the past your ability to obtain results!
Now it’s the Defense lawyers turn.
What is the defense lawyer going to try to prove to the jury?
You’d think the first think he or she would do is to attempt to convince the jury that you’re not credible!
However that’s not the way it goes…
One of the first things they will do is to prove you are dishonest and lack integrity, or you have some hidden agenda which testimony could benefit the prosecution. your track record is in question or lacks results.
Needless to say, in life it boils down to four key elements:
Your Intent
Your Capabilities
Your Results
If you and I are going to are to be credible to ourselves and to others we must first trust who we are.
Have you ever made a new year’s resolution?
We decide to get in shape for the new year, we’ve made a plan to go to the gym 3 days a week and spend one hour each day working out.
The first few days in the gym are a bit of a challenge but we’re excited to get into shape!
get-in-shape21About two weeks later we begin to not go 3 days that week because we were busy or something else came up.
Before long we stop going.
This can weaken our self confidence.
First we must decide to change our approach. Instead of finding an excuse to not do what we tell ourselves we’re going to do, think about the commitment that we made. Take action.
If we don’t keep the commitment to ourselves are we going to keep it for other people?
Act with integrity. This has a compounding effect on our character. Over time you will gain confidence.
10533065 The more credible we are to ourselves the more credible we will be to others!
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