Fear or Faith

Fear or Faith

We live in a world of challenging times never knowing what tomorrow will bring-which allows uncertainty to dominate as well as fear to become part of our everyday consciousness. Never knowing what you see or hear is real or not, whether it’s social media a speech, news or a comment from a friend. You don’t have to look very far to see or hear what’s wrong with the world today…It’s everywhere…A sense of distrust is now part of today’s society.

Young confused businessman standing at the entrance of a labyrinth.

Nevertheless living in fear is unproductive, it allows the control of emotions to be dictated by external forces beyond our control. This fear stops positive growth stalling our ability to make the changes required for future optimism-different view or a change in how a issue is dealt with.


Truth is fear is worrying about how an external force can impact our life. Fear is the unknown. But rather than letting fear dominate when unfamiliar issues arise, take note and realize you have the power to control your emotions. Step out of fear and begin to life a life of abundance. There will always be issues beyond our control that show up in our lives unexpectedly, the only constant in life is change, however we can control how we respond what challenges or issues beyond our control do show up in life.


When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change. A few years ago I was complaining about an issue I was having to my mentor, his answer was not at all what I was expecting, I guess I was hoping he’d agree with me but instead he said, Steve is this issue going to defeat you or define you either way you decide it’s up to you! Fear or faith.


Fear and uncertainty keep people from living up to their potential. Instead of looking at issues, look instead for a solution. Think about it, someone who has had a challenge in life and decided to use it as a gift, not an obstacle. What we believe is true dominates our thoughts. Fear is part of the unknown but faith is part of what we think is possible. We can’t control when bad things happen in life but we can control how we react. The future is always an unknown part of our lives, however how we think about the future shapes our reality.


Fear and faith are by their nature a habit-we create fear yet we can also create faith. This is a shift in thinking, we have the ability to use faith to shape our future, let go of what you can’t control and embrace faith. When you switch thought patterns from what you don’t have or can’t control, and focus instead on what you do have you’ll begin to feel a sense of gratitude for what exists in life. Look for ways to help other people, serve and give back, daily focus on what’s right is now part of life, fear looses hold in the subconscious which allows you to thrive even when challenging times arrive unexpectedly.


This week begin to change how you react when faced with issues. Decide to become the master of your emotions, don’t let fear into your life, face it head on, what ever you focus on you attract into your life. Instead think about what you want in your life, abundance, love, etc. Take back the power you have to live the life you desire and dream about. Be the one who make a difference in the world by becoming that person who looks for solutions and not problems.

~Stay Strong~


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