How to Develop Your Inner Strength

How to Develop Your Inner Strength

In today’s world we’ve become more and more aware there’s a better way of life, could be because of people we “hang” around with or an add we’ve heard on T.V. or radio, seems every where you look these day’s were being sold on new ideals.


Don’t get me wrong there is nothing bad in seeking a better way of life. Most people are successful in more than one area of life, however the key to true happiness is to have a proper balance within three key areas of life:





There is a unique connection with these key elements, when working in unison we’re connecting to a infinite energy source. Yet if we fail to make the connection this energy is greatly restricted. Our “State of Mind” controls which direction we go…

A State of Mind - Clean_0

Have you ever noticed day’s when you seem to have more energy, or other day’s when you feel sick or tired?


How we feel is a direct reflection on how balanced we are within each level. It is a true connection with who we are whether we’re in or out of alignment with mind, body and soul.


When we are congruent:

Little challenges seem to not matter we are happy in anything we do.

We love ourselves which is always the first step if you wish to love others.

We respect our health.

Lastly we all must have purpose.

When we’re out of alignment:

We become angry without even realizing why we’re angry?

We tend to be “short fused” with others

We  don’t care about our health

Nothing we do seems to make us “feel good”

So how do we connect and stay connected in these three areas?


Truth is each area combines to the overall energy at each level, simply put, each action we take can go against the natural flow.


The mind is like a computer linked to the body and soul, information, emotions, and language is imputed into the mind, and just like a processor of  computer the mind communicates with the body and soul. When we are quiet and relaxed and aware, the communication or message is clear, however when this message is vague or not clear the message is blocked out or not listened to.


Our bodies are a combination of the mind and soul, another way to think of it would be like the outer shell of a sea shell. How we manage it is related to how resilient we will be as the years go on. If we don’t have the proper diet and rest we’ll become sick and weak. No exercise can lead to disease and prolong illnesses. It’s up to us to keep ourselves fit. Proper balance between exercise and diet can lead to a long comfortable life. In the end it’s up to us to decide.


Our soul is the guiding force of our mind and body, in a quiet sense it guides us through life. Like a GPS it sets a sail to a programed destination, which if the information is not what gives us true meaning as well as a connection to our true purpose, our daily actions become become a struggle. The soul gains it’s energy from love and service to others. Giving of yourself allows the soul to shine, no ego exists there. When a connection is made fear, worry, and stress diminish. There’s a sense of knowing your in the right frame of mind and body.


This week raise your awareness in these areas of life. It is and will always be the guiding force which allows unlimited energy to flow through out your body. Know you are here for a reason and a purpose, there’s something special you’ve yet to do with your time here on earth. Developing your inner strength allows you to overcome potential limitation you might not have been able to overcome.


When we’re quiet and calm without distraction a connection is made.

It won’t happen overnight it takes practice and patience.

Once you get there you’ll be amazed how it feels.

Stay Strong



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