Happiness Is A Choice…Right?

Happiness Is A Choice…Right?

Happiness is a choice…Right? Although some people would disagree with that statement, most of us know the truth. Happiness is a state f mind, whether your rich or poor it doesn’t matter being happy is where your thoughts spend the most time during the day. If money is where happiness is found then most are truly missing out on the truth.

currency of happiness

It’s been said money can’t buy you happiness, however without it life would be a challenge as well as your ability to buy goods from the local merchant would be a distant memory. You don’t have to look very far these days to see what having a little money can do to a persons happiness. Famous actors, athletes, business professionals etc…etc…


If you and I are going to live a life of mastery than we must first understand what it means to be truly happy and fulfilled, it is different for everyone. Second it just getting thing will never make you happy. True happiness is found when a task is completed and a feeling of accomplishment has been achieved.


Happiness is defined as:

Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being which can be defined by, among others, positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. Happy mental states may also reflect judgements by a person about their overall well-being.

Truth is just “feeling good” is not happiness. If it were than people who use drugs or alcohol would always be happy…Right?? If you’d ask most people what makes their lives truly happy you might be surprised…A meaning full relationship or doing something that leaves them fulfilled. However a majority of the population today is looking for a quick way to something which makes them feel good. True and long lasting happiness comes from that which feeds the soul, a part of you which connects with your purpose in life.


That is where most miss the true gift we were given in life, being happy is in many ways a gift, it’s the ability to feel good at what you do every day. Your work consumes a majority of life so be careful the work you do. We all need money survive yet just doing a job for the money is not the answer to being happy. Choose a profession that matches what makes you feel comfortable as well as fulfilled, life is short don’t waste your time with a a job you dislike, change it, move on, find a way to do what you like. You can bet there is someone out there today that has done what you would like to do, find them and model what they do. There are many successful people who have accomplished a similar goal.


Sometimes there are those who love us and don’t want to see us get hurt, they may discourage you from seeking what you love. Take it in stride there only out for your best interest. But don’t give up keep looking the answer is out there all you need to do is keep searching, one day you’ll find a way.


Over the years I’ve met some of the most successful people you could imagine, they have plenty of money however they never say how much they earn or boast about what they have, they are humble people serving the greater good in the world. Spending time with them has given me a new outlook as to what happiness is.


My wish for you is to find that place within your soul that leaves you with a feeling of accomplishment. No one can make you happy it’s up to you to. You can find happiness, it’s closer than you think!


This week take note, begin to look at what makes you feel good and what leaves you a bit uncomfortable, spend a little time each day looking at your life. Is where you are where you want to be? If not begin to think about what needs to be changed. Start the day giving thanks to all the wonderful things you have in life. Being grateful for what you have is one way to begin to see all the amazing areas of life to focus on. Remember what you focus on is what you’ll get in life so focus on the good.

True happiness is a few thoughts away

~Stay Strong~



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