Let’s Imagine

Let’s Imagine

Remember when we were kids and life was simpler…

Group Of Children Running In Park

We’d play for hours.
Who liked Baseball.
Who liked Hockey.
Who liked Basketball.
Who liked Football.
Who liked soccer.
Let’s imagine for a moment what life was like back then.
You would get up in the morning and go outside and play until dark (or at least until your mother told you it was time to come in)
I can never forget the time the Boston Bruins won the Stanley cup in 1970.
The Bruins were making their first appearance in the final since 1958.
The Bruins went on to win the series 4-0, their first Stanley cup victory in 29 years…Bobby Orr scored the cup-winning goal on Glenn Hall, with an assist from Derek Sanderson, at forty seconds of overtime, I’ll never forget that day I saw Bobby Orr flying through the air,(he had been tripped by Blues defenseman Noel Picard just as he shot the puck) his arms raised in victory!!


I can remember how happy my Dad was when the Bruins won that day, I think we were both dancing around the house…Like little kids…(at that time I still was).
From that moment on I always Imagined I would also score a “game winning goal” every time we played hockey.
It didn’t matter if it was raining.
It didn’t matter if it was snowing.
It didn’t matter if it was below zero.
It didn’t matter if the ice was a little rough.
All I could imagine was scoring that goal…No excuses…
How about you ? Did you ever use your imagination like that when you were a kid ?
I can think of many more. When I became a Dad my kids would always ask to play when I got home from work, sometimes for hours. As I look back now at how much of the time we were using our imagination I’m humbled.
My son would ask me to play with the trucks digging in the dirt in the back building the best roads you could ever imagine !!
My daughter would ask me to sit as she served me coffee and cookies !!
What happened to us ??
What changed??
Did we all fall into a pool of cement…Covering up that person who has a unique gift by our creator ??
Or did the world of today influence our thoughts ?
Is it the T.V ? (better known as the automatic income reducer)
Is it social media ?
Our friends and family ?
Or is it just the way society has led us to believe ?
WellAll those things can certainly have an impact on what you think.
The real answer is only you can influence your thoughts. The challenge for most of us we’ve been lead to believe that most of what happens to us is not always our fault it’s just the way it goes sometimes.
In reality our lives are governed by an “immutable law” any persistent thought cannot fail to produce its result.
If we are focused on bad or destructive thoughts then that’s what you’ll manifest in your life. Were ever your focus goes energy flows…If you are not getting the result you desire in life, take a minute and think about what is the predominate mental attitude you had today?
Do you imagine a better outcome or do you keep thinking the same thoughts over and over every day, which are not producing what you want in life.
You can not entertain weak ,harmful, negative thoughts twenty three hours a day and expect to bring about beautiful, strong and harmonious conditions by ten minutes of strong, positive, creative thought.
There are many ways for you to influence your thoughts, over the coming months I’ll share with you some of the methods I have learned..
For now here is one exercise you can do on a daily basis:
Every time you have a destructive thought think of something that happened in your life that was positive. Just like I mentioned before, when the Boston Bruins won the Stanley cup and how happy I was !!
Whenever that thought enters your mind replace it with a positive thought…
Mental habits are a challenge to control, Like with going to the gym, no pain no gain.
You can do it !!
There are 86,000 seconds in every day…If that were money how would you spend it.
Life is an amazing gift every second counts !!

Did this help you? If so I would greatly appreciate it if you commented below and shared on Facebook.


1 Comment

  1. YMMD with that anwres! TX


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