
Over this past weekend we turned our clocks back one hour, for now it’s getting up going to work in the dark and getting home in the dark…It’s an amazing time of year here in Maine most of the leaves have fallen off the trees (and are all over my lawn)
The weather is getting colder every day, that morning breath of air is so pure this time of year it makes you feel fantastic !!
On Sunday we had heavy winds the leaves were blowing all over the yard it looks like a cyclone went through here.
Which in many ways our minds work the same way…Just like the wind that blows leaves around in the fall , we too have a wind that blows around in our mind, thought is mind in motion just like electricity is a form of motion and its effects will depend upon the mechanism to which it is attached, In other words when electricity is attached to a light build and we turn on the light switch we get light !
Our minds work the same way, however the effect depends on the “mechanism to which it is attached.”
What is that mechanism ?
We all have an understanding how the mechanism of the automobile we all drive, but most of us are content to remain in absolute ignorance of  the greatest piece of mechanism which has come into existence…the brain of man.
The effects we all have in our lives are produced in the world within. Where your focus goes energy flows…There is a great mental world which we all live and move and have in our beings.
Understanding our connection with the omnipotent, omniscient,and omnipresent will respond to our purpose and “faith.” The purpose must be in accordance with the law of our being…However our faith must be strong enough to generate a current of sufficient strength to bring our purpose into manifestation.
Attention or concentration is probably the most important essential in the development of mind culture.
It is quite clear that attention when properly directed is astounding.
Think of it like this…
The power of attention can be understood when comparing it with a magnifying glass, when we were kids we used the magnifying glass to focus on a leave and before long it burned a hole through it, but when the magnifying glass was moving around and not focused on an object nothing happened !
    attention-smiley                 attention-shutterstock-600x553
Our minds work the same way we’re all so busy thinking of so many things it’s no wonder we don’t receive the results we desire.It has been said the average person has between 60,000-80,000 thoughts each day. So what can we do to control our mind and focus on the things we desire?

Here is an exercise that can help you slow your mind down and focus,Think of this as “training your brain”

Choose a picture of your choosing sit comfortably in a chair examine the picture look at the person notice the color of their eyes their hair what color shirt they have on, cover the picture and close your eyes and try to see it mentally in your mind all the same details when you were looking at the picture with your eyes open.

The first few times I did this I found it to be a challenge but before long I could close my eyes and recreate that image in my mind. Remember we are training our brain, Its just like going to the gym, the more you train the better you become…Your results are directly related to the effort you put in…practice makes perfect.
Like the farmers do here in Maine this time of year we are preparing the soil…Soon we plant the seeds !!

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