Your Past Matters

Your Past Matters

Every day the sun comes up and offers us the light of a brand new day, an opportunity for a fresh start for the day, as Sunday approaches we begin to look at the week ahead.  At the end of the month it’s time to set our sights on the month ahead. On January first the new year begins and we can forget about the past year and begin with a fresh start. Sound Familiar ??


We’ve all heard people say forget the past, move on. Or maybe you’ve heard that saying..“What Happens in Las Vegas Stays in Las Vegas.” The past is like a ball and chain holding you back, right?


However did you ever stop and give that a thought?  What I mean is, did you ever consider what happened in the past has helped you to be the person you are today?


Sidney Poitier grew up in a little house on Cat Island in the Bahamas, the house he lived in had no running water and no electricity, his parents earned some money from their tomato farm which gave them enough to barley get by. Sidney would go swimming, collect fruit, climb trees, he was free to roam and explore anywhere on the island. There was plenty of time to be still and think. At night he sought comfort with his parents on their porch as they would sit and fan the smoke from green palm leaves they’re burning to shoo the mosquitoes and the sand flies. His life was simple, some people would consider that living in poverty.


It was a place of gorgeous beaches and a climate he describes like heaven.

heaven gate

Sidney’s mother never spoke that much in fact, hardly at all. She was a special woman which Sidney believes was a continuance of her soul and her spirit as well as her gift, that what she was unable to put to words found her way beyond her. Sidney feels all the good he has is in his life is a result of his mothers energy.


What if we grew up with no challenges? I’m not saying to live life in the past, or to dwell on things which were out of out control! Look we’ve all had bad things happen in our lives at one time or another. It is much better to realize our past challenges were there to teach us, as well as help us grow and evolve.


I believe it is helpful to remember the past, not live in it, learn from it.

Take each day one at a time.
Decide to use what you have learned from the past and apply it to your life today.
Your past is always with you. Don’t let it go..embrace it…Love it..
Let it help you to be a better you !
~Stay Strong~
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