Why You Should Celebrate Success

Why You Should Celebrate Success

Throughout life we celebrate many things, holidays, birthdays, or anniversaries. Yet there’s one celebration we often times neglect, our own accomplishments on average we don’t celebrate them at all. This is fuel for the fire, neglecting what we’ve completed has many hidden benefits as well as providing insight into where we are and what we’ve done. All to often we finish a milestone and never look back at how far we have traveled. Looking back on the steps it took to get to where you are allows for focus on the details and work which provides  added encouragement to move forward.


When we continue to neglect our accomplishments subconsciously we begin to take a negative outlook at how much we’ve done. Truth is when you focus on what you’ve not done we are less likely to focus on the goals ahead, and become less enthusiastic about keeping a clear outlook at the task at hand. The good news is, when we incorporate celebration into accomplishments, it often times provides a boost in confidence and helps eliminate burnout.


Here are a few examples of why it’s important to celebrate success, the small ones are as important as the big ones!

Focus on success: It has been said what ever you focus on expands, You are a winner no matter where you are and what your doing, you are here for a reason and a purpose. Each day begin to see yourself as a champion when you do your allowing the universe to provide you with a pathway to success. When an athlete wins a race do you think they are winning by a large margin? look closer most win by only a fraction of a second. Before the race a winner sees the whole race in his mind each step including the last step over the finish line. When you do succeed look back at your accomplishments, don’t rush to the next goal, slow down and reflect.


Success builds confidence: Be aware of your self talk, no matter what the task always begin with a good word, this builds confidence with each task you do. Telling yourself you can’t do something deteriorates your ability to achieve the goal. Don’t let outside forces determine your outcome, don’t have the money, bad economy, not the right timing, etc…etc…Instead celebrate each one along the way. If an obstacle appears think of it as a message instead of an issue.


Motivation: Without motivation success is a challenge, what is the reason for accomplishing the goal? more money, more time, nevertheless it’s different for us all however if we don’t know the why it we will lose motivation to continue. Spend time each day thinking of the reasons why as well as reflecting on what you’ve done to date.


Be Grateful: No matter how small the accomplishment be grateful, there is good energy in being grateful for what you have, this allows our emotions to be positive which provide energy going forward. Begin each day with a few minutes reflecting on all the things you are grateful for in your life.



Help others: Helping other people opens up the door not only for the person your helping it also gives you insight into how much you made a difference in someones life, they are in a better place because of your actions, changing their situation moving them up to a place they have never been. There is power in helping people to be successful, as they become better so will you, the universe rewards the good. You get what you give.


Celebrating success must be part of your daily routine. Even if your goals are small, every day you have many successes, slow down, reflect. congratulate yourself… Start today…You’ll be glad you did!

~Stay Strong~


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