Why Rewarding Yourself Matters

Why Rewarding Yourself Matters

As an entrepreneur you have some sort of a business, no boss to tell you what to do or how to do it every day, how awesome is that! Those days of corporate meetings , constant “Number Crunching,” and conference calls are a thing of the past. Congratulations you are one of the few who had the guts to fire their boss! You now can do what ever you want. Right?


As rewarding it can be to live the life of an entrepreneur it is equally rewarding to receive encouragement from a person for a product or service which you have created.


However what happens when your customer is unhappy? How do you handle it? Do you get frustrated? Stressed? Angry? or do you go right to the issue and work to resolve the problem?


When starting out in business the first year can be full of challenges, some good, some bad, it can be an emotional roller coaster which if not controlled can have a devastating effect on long term success of the business.


If you and I are going to be successful entrepreneur’s we must first have the ability to control our emotions when things don’t work out as expected. When we receive positive feedback from a successful webinar, meeting, training, blog, or social media post our emotional state keeps us on task and focused. However when there are negative comments, or unexpected issues arise it becomes much harder to stay focused on the goal ahead. This can be a destructive force when first starting out in business.


Both good and bad comments are an important element in business. When clients or customers are happy with your product and services we should take note of what we did to please the customer, same if someone is unhappy. Learn what is working and what is not. In either case ask questions!


Success is a marathon not a sprint.

Constant adjustments for what is not working, taking new action, analyzing feedback, more adjustments, over and over again can leave you emotionally drained. Sound familiar ??


Have you ever considered rewarding yourself?

Of course it’s easier to reward yourself when things are going well and there is money coming in, you could take a vacation, buy a new boat, house, or car. It’s all good. However how do you reward yourself when things are going bad?


“Fake it Until You Make It”

Don’t get me wrong results do matter, and are the GPS of any business. Knowing what is getting results and what’s not is always a driving force in a successful business. But consistent results can take time which is why we must become the master of our emotions.


One of the best ways to do so is to reward ourselves for actions and worry about results.

Begin by writing down each task

Break down each task in bit size piecesĀ 

Number each one in order of importance

At the end of each day keep track of your results

After a couple of weeks you will have developed a new habit which is focused on action not results.


This week check the temperature of your emotional state, if results are your main focus, take note…Step back…And think…

Rewarding yourself with the process will give you the results you can only dream of!

~Stay Strong~

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