The power of Listening

The power of Listening
Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and they made you feel like your the only person in the room?
It didn’t seem what you were taking about they were interested in every word you said.
How did that make you feel? Like you were important, or they understood what you meant!
20951faTo be a good listener you first must be a part of the conversation. Most people like to talk about themselves, however we tend to want to come right back and say something about what’s on our mind instead…Think of a conversation as energy, if the other person is speaking encourage them to keep talking, ask questions, let them feel comfortable and they will speak more openly and honestly.
Begin by making eye contact, this demonstrates to your partner you are fully engaged and interested in the conversation. It has been said, follow the 80-20 rule. 80% making direct eye contact with your partner and 20% your eyes are roaming as you think about what to say.

Businessman and businesswoman looking at each other through cardboard tubes. Horizontal shot.

Stay in the room, No I don’t mean physically leave the room, just focus on what your partner is saying. It can be a challenge as our minds sometimes wander,which is especially hard if you are talking to someone who speaks very slow. This will help you to know when to respond which can help build rapport.
Always give verbal feedback. There is nothing worse than when you are talking to someone and the just look at you and don’t say a word! How does that make you feel? A nod, smile or some other way to acknowledge you “get it.” This might seem overly simplistic but don’t underestimate how important this is in developing a deep connection with them.
You should always make them feel comfortable, if your sitting at a table don’t be”in their face” sit in a relaxed state make them feel at home, if they lean slightly toward you to tell you something important lean slightly toward them, relax your body keep your hands on the table in front of you.
You can practice these techniques on a family member or a friend to gain confidence. before long you will be a master listener, developing trust and rapport with people will be effortless.
Have an amazing week!
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