The Power of Discipline

The Power of Discipline

Most of us have have heard stories of successful people and how they have had developed amazing discipline during their life which has lead to even more success!


Did you realize you can develop that same amazing discipline which most people desire but never seem to achieve the results they desire?

Depressed Man On Bench

Truth is there is no secret to developing discipline, it can be as easy as a few changes in your current behavior. However, the first thing we need to realize is what we need to change to develop a new pattern.


Have you ever wanted to loose weight or exercise more? We all have at one point in our lives. The hardest part about getting into shape is just showing up at the gym! Once your there the workout is not that bad…We think about going to the gym all day, sometimes we try to justify why we can’t make it to the gym.


I worked late today and I’m tired.

I don’t have time tonight I have to cut the grass

I need to weed the garden

I have to Wash the car

Take the dog for a walk (or any other excuse we can think of)

Discipline can be developed by small daily activities which can be as simple as the following:


1) Develop a written game plan.

2) Which one will make you feel good when complete

3)  Number them with the most important one first


One of the challenges is with trying to get it all done, instead take bite size pieces, for example if you are looking to get in shape do you think starting out with 50 sit-ups would help you to develop discipline’


Instead start out just doing a couple sit- ups each day, as your strength improves add a few more. The same principals exist with anything you do in life. If we can see progress we develop confidence which helps develop momentum.index

Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed by just trying to get it all done at the same time. Just select a handful of things you need to get done. When you finish…Start another…and another.


Think as if you have a rubber band in your hands if you stretch it the rubber band never goes back to it’s original shape, we are the same, when we stretch ourselves our comfort zone expands and personal growth takes place.


Discipline is developed by working at an area you want to improve in life every day, whether you “feel like it” or not. There will be days where you’ll have to push yourself to complete that task. Don’t get discouraged, before long it will become a new habit!


Follow the your daily written plan you developed
it won’t be long before you’ll be a master at
at the power of Discipline

~Stay Strong~


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