The Keys To Great Leadership

The Keys To Great Leadership

There are many ways to be a great leader, some say you have to have the right mind set, others say leadership is a skill, no matter how we look at leadership you must be a self starter, not one who needs to be told what to do and when to do it. Leadership is learned and then taught. I’ve become a bit taken back by the lack of leadership in the work place today. Not to say there’s a shortage of managers, it’s a new phenomenon today, people telling people what to do, imagine if you only had a few months on a job and your boss told you were starting a new project on Monday….Are you up for it?

Imagine you were in that position, would you be able to lead with no experience in the trade? How would your employees look at you if your not able to show them. Truth is that issue has been the new challenge in today’s work place, skilled workers have become scarce especially when it has to do with working with your hands. Today our children have not been taught a skill, instead they have been become more and more dependent on technology, although there’s nothing wrong with technology, we still need good old fashion skills.

Some companies do have training in their field however experienced workers are retiring without sharing their knowledge with the younger generation. No matter what your current employment is become an expert, ask question, watch those around you who have been there the longest. You can tap into a resource if you put in the time. There is no better training then on the job training. We all should challenge ourselves each day to be a leader.

Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty, people respect leaders who get in the trenches and do the work. Even if you are not yet at the top of your game, use your resources around you, ask your member of your team their opinion, it’s best to include them as you work along side them. Lead by example, never tell someone to do something you wouldn’t do, if you’ve never done it do it anyway…You will earn the respect of people around you as long as you give it 100 percent.

Be careful with your words, even if you are kidding people will take them seriously. Morale is the key to a successful business. What you say and how you say it can build or demolish a team. Never point out a team member who is not at their best, this let’s people know it’s ok to make fun of someone. Be positive you’ll have much more impact if you do.

Respect the chain of command no matter how small it could be. This creates respect among the ranks. Even if your the main person in charge use the proper chain to communicate, that old saying…Don’t step on someones shoes!

Listen, we get caught up in scheduling and production and sometimes forget to listen to those around us. They have a voice and should be heard. No one knows it all so ask the team for input.

If you make a mistake, don’t blame someone else. Stand up and admit you’ve made a mistake. You’ll earn the respect of your team and send a message, when you make a mistake be accountable for your actions. Correct the issue and move on.

One of the worst things we can do is be a micro manager. Let you people do the work. Support them but don’t hang over their shoulder telling them what to do and how to do it.

Lastly stay healthy, eat right get the proper rest and exercise as your doctor recommends. Not only will you lead the team by being in shape, you’ll live a better and happier life!

~Stay Strong~


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