The Key to Developing Good Habits

The Key to Developing Good Habits

With the new year on at our door step all the holiday cheer is coming to a halt, the days are shorter, we get up in the dark and come home in the dark, weekly snow storms, and cold weather is the norm here in the north east this time of year can become a challenge to keep a positive attitude when at work as well as chores and activities which need to be completed each day. We all only have 24 hours a day to “get it done” yet at the end of the day there’s always one more thing to complete.


Truth is winter can influence our habits. It’s easy to lean on short day’s and bad weather. However it can be just as easy to develop good habits which lead to a much more productive outcome. Bad habits can appear in many different ways, ever come home from work tired sit down on the couch and keep telling yourself how tired you are? or how much work needed to get done today? only to look up and an hour has gone by and none of the things you wanted have been completed or even started? sound familiar? Most likely your intention was good, but you felt with your current schedule there never seems to be enough time.


The key to developing good habits is monitor daily behavior, as time goes by notice when we lean on an excuse as to why a goal was not achieved, we all ave good days and bad to move ahead in life we must begin to focus on good habits each day. This is how one can begin to develop a new way of thinking which leads to better outcomes.


Years ago I struggled with keeping on track with my goals seemed like the harder I would try the worse it got, time was always an issue, or I would blame the economy. Outside forces would influence my actions. Although family’s intention is for the good, they were always giving advice on what I should or should not do. I can remember the day I was telling one of my mentors about my struggles…He listened to all my excuses…There were many…He smiled and looked me in the eye and said…Feel better? Steve it’s good to get it all out, but let’s break down the issues.


For many years he told me he experienced the same problems, time, economy, etc…etc…He said look at what you do each day as well as the hours you log, you’re not giving yourself a break working 7 day’s a week with no down time or time to just sit and think. Steve we all need a break from the action. I understand your work load, however take more breaks during the day, this way you can regroup and focus on the next task at hand.


Spend time with people you love, not thinking about that next day’s work but quality time unplug from work. Steve your heats is in the right place working 7 day’s a week to provide for your family but are you doing them a favor when your out for a walk and your on the phone with a client? do they receive one hundred percent of your time? Are they connecting with you on a deep and meaningful level? Some times you need to slow down to go faster. Make the time with loved ones special, listen to what there needs and wants are align yourself with them.


Although earning money is something we all need to do, we should also take time each day to work on that which we love, there’s a special place within us all where the desire to create, in order to cultivate good habits we must first develop our ability to be well rounded including what we’re passionate about. This could be as simple as spending time reading a book!


The development of good habits takes time, but if your dedicated to a better happier and healthier life, You’ll climb up that mountain and reach the summit of success in half the time!

~Stay Strong~


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