Little Things Matter

Little Things Matter

At some point in life we’ve all looked back at our actions and said…You know I should have done…Our list of what we should have done is actually quite large when you sit down and think about it. I should have taken that job, I should have studied harder for that exam, I should have spent more time with my kids, I should have saved more money, I should have called my sick uncle, I should have went to college and got a degree, I should have asked that girl out in high school, I should have spent more time on my health, I should have been more patient last week, I should have bought that house, I should have…I should have…I should have…

Truth is there are many things we should have done in our lives, challenge is when we look back it’s too late right? Well, not exactly, although there’s no way to turn the clock back in time and some things you can’t change, however going forward we are in control of our lives, if we choose to do so.

Discipline is the foundation of success, we’ve all heard to be successful you must be disciplined, yet so many of us fall short of our goals! Is it because success is not in our DNA? We all have the same odds to be successful if we don’t bite off more then we chew.

Starting a new discipline is not hard if we take a step each day, one of the biggest reasons people fail is they attempt to do it all at once! When a road block is encountered they get discouraged and quite. We must first learn to crawl before we can begin to walk. Success is fueled by accomplishments. Each time a task is complete we develop confidence, we build on our confidence with each completed discipline. We develop resistance to obstacles with confidence.

Those who dwell in the darkness of failure and uncertainty will never climb the ladder of success, instead of building a life they see the past as the future.

You and I can climb the ladder of success, however we must take it a rung at at time. We must understand how to utilize discipline in our lives, little things do matter, start small and work your way up!

It is not until we develop our resilience and habits that our lives begin to change. Mastering simple tasks like cleaning the basement, organizing the garage or being on time for appointments, each simple task requires the same discipline as running a successful business. Like working out at the gym, muscles get stronger with repetition.

An athlete becomes better not by going through the motions, they get better by stretching themselves with every workout, if you and I are to develop bigger muscles of discipline we can’t allow ourselves to let an area of life slip. If we are disciplined in our work but never seem to have the time to address our health we are missing out on the opportunity of personal growth, by letting and area slip other areas could begin to erode.

Once we’ve mastered activity which moves us forward we can then begin to use this momentum and drive our ideals. Imagination becomes fuel to drive us further than we’ve been, the driving force to success is the discipline to follow through with our goals and plans. There are no limitations to that which we can achieve once we focus on what we can do and leave behind fear and doubt.

Truth is without action nothing changes, we are stuck in time with a future which matches the past, discipline, goals and planning must take the forefront of our days, the only way we can grow is by constant change for the good.

Begin today with the little things, before long the big things will be a breeze and your life will change like the wind!

~Stay Strong~


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